Friday, November 26, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 03 - 2021 till Fri. Dec. 10th - 2021!

                For the second week of Dec. 2021 - the week of official Winter Holidays 2021/2022 - we will comment upon an interview we had with a professional Democrat law maker who just got re-elected to his 3rd term. We asked him why he doesn't want the term limits for lawmakers so they don't make politics their permanent career. They would serve two terms - then they go - do something else. He replied that during their typical first term of two years - the new lawmakers can "barely" can find their respective bathrooms - in terms of knowing "how to make sausage" - that is - how to learn to pass the legislature.

         It needs to be noted that the politicians are eligible to receive the hefty government pension upon completion of only one - two-year term as legislators. This kind of wasting of the resources is unheard of in a business world. A new hire who after two years on the job - still "can't tell his behind (ass) - from the hole in the ground" - could not get any pensions of any sort.

        It's a consensus of many keen political observers that the past business people or past military personnel - make the most effective legislators - not the parasitic "pencil pushers" - the political hacks - looking out mostly - for advancing their political careers.

       At any rate - everybody will have a very good, new week and we shall meet here - as always - a week from today - same place - same channel!

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 26th through Fri. Dec. 03rd - 2021!

            For the - coming soon - first week of Dec. 2021 - we will comment upon Nancy Pelosi's (a powerful Madam Speaker of the lower - more numerous - chamber of the U.S. Legislative body - the U.S. Congress) - finally able to pass a huge, transformational, expensive bill - Build Back Better. The aforementioned gigantic legislation is called by the Democrats - "a big help for American people" while the U.S. Republicans and Independents (a big block of U.S. electorate) - call it "governmental take over of our lives - Socialist style - from the cradle to the grave".

      Ms. Pelosi couldn't direct "her" Democrats in Congress to vote the way she wants them to vote - this time around - the way she was able to do in the past - since this time "her" Democrats fought each other like crazy - for a long time. The Socialists/Leftists Dems in her party - openly opposed her and their more moderate U.S. Democrats/colleagues in the House of Representatives - as they fought about Build Back Better legislation. 

     The U.S. congressional Socialists/Leftists - headed by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders who openly admits his admiration for ex-Soviet Union Socialist empire who killed their political opponents - Left and Right using their phony court system - plus other U.S. congressional Socialists - the Squad - Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Occasio-Cortes in addition to more of the Leftist representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives (most of whom are openly anti-Israel/anti-Jewish) - opposed Ms. Pelosi since they wanted more benefits - more money spent to the oblivion; nevertheless - this bill will be "massively cut in size and scope" - when it gets to the U.S. Senate where the Dems can't loose any votes; but as it stands now - several Democratic senators openly oppose this monumental power grab by the government - bill - while many more Democratic senators - oppose it as well - but are not as public about it. 

     In any event - everybody will have a super good Thanksgiving and a good first week of December 2021! We shall meet here - as always - as week from today - same channel - same day!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 19th till Fri. Nov. 26th - 2021!

           For the coming up shortly, important Thanksgiving week of Nov. 2021 - we will comment upon the arrival onto the U.S. political scene of a newly visible, pres. Biden's - press secretary - Karine' Jean - Pierre'. However - before we get started on her - we need to thank all our Veterans for their service to our country (Nov. 11 - 2021). We work on our commentaries - a week prior to their publication. 

       At any rate - a week or so ago - Karine' Jean - Pierre' took over  the duties of Jan Psaki - a regular - press secretary to pres. Biden - due to Psaki testing positive for Covid-19 in spite of her mask and double vaccinations. The aforementioned Karine' Jean - Pierre' who has been a deputy press secretary - as it turns out - was - literally - "jumping out of her skin" to take over Jan Psaki's position.

      Low and behold -  according to many political commentators - Karine' Jean - Pierre' - which translates from the "snobbish, elitist" language - to Karen John - Paul - has acquired a powerful ally/mentor - currently serving as an important advisor to pres. Biden. Her name is Symone Sanders - she is a big, big woman, well spoken - with a tremendously shortly cropped hair - no visible hair on her skull - thus her shapely skull shows its lack of bumps. The hair style still - looks ugly.

      In fact - not to get sidetracked too much - her hair style looks - exactly - like the one which Arianna Pressley - currently sports - the same ugly hair style - no visible hair on the skull; Pressley is the U.S. 117th Congress' - representative from the Massachusetts district - which was represented by an ex-president John Fitzgerald Kennedy. 

     He would be - undoubtedly - "spinning" in his grave if he saw how the new U.S. Democrat party splinters - into the "normal" Democrats and the Progressives/Socialists/Leftists - to which Arianna Presley belongs - as a member of the 117th U.S. Congress's - Socialist/Marxist - "Squad" which should be voted out of U.S. Congress - the sooner - the better. They had suffered huge defeats in the recent November 2nd - 2021 - important U.S elections to crucial political positions.

      In any event - everybody will have a super fun Thanksgiving 2021 and a good Black Friday - Holidays 2021/2022 - shopping! We will meet here next weekend - come "hell or high water" - as they say! It will be the same channel - the same time!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 12th through Fri. Nov. 19th - 2021!

            For this chilly week - one week before Thanksgiving 2021 - we will comment upon the British prime minister - Boris Johnson's sarcastic comments to the American CBS - "super star" - Margaret Brennan - right before she took a long maternity leave before she delivered her second child. We are not questioning the fact that Ms. Brennan is a knowledgeable and seasoned newswoman - however - she frequently carries herself on the air - in front of multitude of TV viewers - as if she was "God's female, main advisor - of sorts".

       In any event - a few months ago - during her interview with the prime minister Johnson whose blond mane is always close to his eyes - as it "dances" across his forehead as if some hair spray would not come useful to him - she took on her frequent tone of superiority for no special reason. She might have forgotten for the moment that the global news is a star of her broadcast - and not her - even if she is an attractive, cocky woman.

       Anyway - prime minister Johnson - put her "in her place" since he is used to hordes of "smart and pushy" reporters trying to put something "over him". He made her look like an idiot and it all happened in a nuanced manner - but the viewers didn't miss it. Suddenly - Ms. Brennan changed into a proverbial "fire hydrant" from the pampered poodle who doing his daily "business" onto the fire hydrant.

      All our readers and followers will have a very good week before Thanksgiving 2021 and we shall meet here - as every week - next week - same place - same channel!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021