For the second week of Dec. 2021 - the week of official Winter Holidays 2021/2022 - we will comment upon an interview we had with a professional Democrat law maker who just got re-elected to his 3rd term. We asked him why he doesn't want the term limits for lawmakers so they don't make politics their permanent career. They would serve two terms - then they go - do something else. He replied that during their typical first term of two years - the new lawmakers can "barely" can find their respective bathrooms - in terms of knowing "how to make sausage" - that is - how to learn to pass the legislature.
It needs to be noted that the politicians are eligible to receive the hefty government pension upon completion of only one - two-year term as legislators. This kind of wasting of the resources is unheard of in a business world. A new hire who after two years on the job - still "can't tell his behind (ass) - from the hole in the ground" - could not get any pensions of any sort.
It's a consensus of many keen political observers that the past business people or past military personnel - make the most effective legislators - not the parasitic "pencil pushers" - the political hacks - looking out mostly - for advancing their political careers.
At any rate - everybody will have a very good, new week and we shall meet here - as always - a week from today - same place - same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates
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