Saturday, November 20, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 26th through Fri. Dec. 03rd - 2021!

            For the - coming soon - first week of Dec. 2021 - we will comment upon Nancy Pelosi's (a powerful Madam Speaker of the lower - more numerous - chamber of the U.S. Legislative body - the U.S. Congress) - finally able to pass a huge, transformational, expensive bill - Build Back Better. The aforementioned gigantic legislation is called by the Democrats - "a big help for American people" while the U.S. Republicans and Independents (a big block of U.S. electorate) - call it "governmental take over of our lives - Socialist style - from the cradle to the grave".

      Ms. Pelosi couldn't direct "her" Democrats in Congress to vote the way she wants them to vote - this time around - the way she was able to do in the past - since this time "her" Democrats fought each other like crazy - for a long time. The Socialists/Leftists Dems in her party - openly opposed her and their more moderate U.S. Democrats/colleagues in the House of Representatives - as they fought about Build Back Better legislation. 

     The U.S. congressional Socialists/Leftists - headed by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders who openly admits his admiration for ex-Soviet Union Socialist empire who killed their political opponents - Left and Right using their phony court system - plus other U.S. congressional Socialists - the Squad - Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Occasio-Cortes in addition to more of the Leftist representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives (most of whom are openly anti-Israel/anti-Jewish) - opposed Ms. Pelosi since they wanted more benefits - more money spent to the oblivion; nevertheless - this bill will be "massively cut in size and scope" - when it gets to the U.S. Senate where the Dems can't loose any votes; but as it stands now - several Democratic senators openly oppose this monumental power grab by the government - bill - while many more Democratic senators - oppose it as well - but are not as public about it. 

     In any event - everybody will have a super good Thanksgiving and a good first week of December 2021! We shall meet here - as always - as week from today - same channel - same day!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021


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