Friday, July 1, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 08 - 2022 till Fri. Jul. 15 - 2022!

        For this lovely - 4th of July 2022 week, we shall comment briefly upon a recent - forced and contrived - testimony by Cassidy Hutchinson - a 26-year-old, ex- White House aide - before the Congressional Committee investigating the "Jan. 06 - 2021 Insurrection". She testified on Jun. 29 - 2022 with her testimony - according to many political commentators - being contrived and phony. She sweated profusely which could mean that she and her political allies - "exaggerated" - read - lied - about many things which she - allegedly - witnessed - most of which - were pieces of "hearsays" - relayed to her by other parties.

       Moreover - the cross-examination of the witness was not allowed. Enough said. According to numerous comments by many political commentators posting their opinions onto many social media platforms - Hutchinson was used as a "political hack". Her problem is that she is inept at it which could be taken as a puny credit towards her character.

       At any rate - everybody will have a super fun 4th of July 2022 - weekend and a good week after it. We shall meet here - as every week - next week on the same day!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022


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