For this nice - not too hot - week of Jul. 2022 - we chose to comment upon a weekly - every Friday's - feature of the daily - PBS Newshour - a Leftist slanted - nightly news show. The aforementioned - PBS Newshour - every Friday night features two commentators' - presenting their "take" on the political events of Washington, D.C during the week passed. Those two - aforementioned - commentators - one Conservative and one Leftist - appear during the Fridays' broadcast of PBS Newshour.
The Conservative lens's view is - supposedly - given by David Brooks - a token Conservative - who B.T.W. is - usually - "all over the road" - with his political opinions - according to many commentators posting those types of comments about Brooks. The aforementioned commentators maintain that Brooks doesn't want his PBS's Leftist bosses react in an "apoplectic" manner - since he is on their payroll.
The PBS Fridays' - Leftist commentator - usually - repeats the Washington, D.C. Leftists politicians' - talking points of the week. Not to be overly critical - he should know that his political commentaries would fit much better the radio format. The TV camera is merciless as it picks up all the unfavorable features of the persons in front of it.
In any event - everybody will have a good, new week and we shall meet here - next week at the same time - as every week!
Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022
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