Thursday, November 24, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 02 - 2022 through Fri. Dec. 09 - 2022!

       Not to pick on Yamiche Alcindor or another Leftist propagandist pretending to be a journalist - or anything like that - but several short years ago - YouTube had some videos showing Yamiche barely able to speak correctly - as she repeatedly - used the expression "aks" instead of "ask" which she - subsequently - stopped doing - to her credit - I suppose.

      Now - however - that she has been a moderator of "Washington Week in Review" a position which - arguably - should be awarded to a much more accomplished journalist and not the Leftist with the ideology to propagate - she still makes a lot of mistakes in presenting the materials on TV. She - frequently - begins to speak very fast which makes her impossible to understand.

     This sort of flaw could be easily pointed out and corrected by the chief editor - Judy Woodruff - who has held this position - forever - way too long. Evidently - Judy can't be correcting Alcindor at all - lest - she will be accused of being a "racist". That is ridiculous on its face - to no end!

     In any event - everybody will have a fantastic Thanksgiving 2022 - and we shall meet here - next Friday - as every week!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022

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