Saturday, November 5, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 11 - 2022 through Fri. Nov. 18 - 2022!

           For this - unusually warm week of November 2022 - we will comment on "PBS Nightly News" - a daily news show - the "mother" of the Friday's "Washington Week in Review" - the news feature which appears only on Friday nights.  Anyway - during the most recent show - last Friday on Nov. 04 - 2022 they featured Laura Barron-Lopez - who is their regular - a Leftist - passing herself out as a journalist - for some mysterious reason.

     We have noticed that she appeared - on camera - looking pale and washed out - as she presented her - usual - Leftist slanted - take - on the weekly news; notice that we didn't say that she looked like a ghost - even if Halloween was just not a week ago. She - normally - looks very good which means that she knows how to appear on camera since the TV camera - picks up all the smallest details - its merciless.

     At any rate - a few years ago - the big star of "Washington Week in Review" - Yamiche Alcindor - also appeared a few times - looking like she was awakened in the middle of the night to do her television presentation. Thus, she looked like a ghost.

   To her small credit - she has - subsequently - started to put tons of heavy make-up. It's not as if she still doesn't need to lose weight - but at least - her made-up face - presently - beats the alternative - when the viewers had to look at her face without make up which looked awful. Not even most ravishing female beauties could get away with the TV camera glaring at their "naked" faces.

     Everybody will have a very good new week, and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


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