Friday, December 30, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 06 - 2023 through Fri. Jan. 13 (Lucky one) - 2023!

           For this unusually warm week of Jan. 01 - 2023 - following a brutally cold/freezing/windy - Christmas 2022 - weekend - only a short week ago - we shall comment upon an old, 1 hour long - nightly news - newscast - NPR - National Public Radio's news production - which is Leftist biased a lot - even though they call themselves - impartial. In any event - the aforementioned NPR nightly news - has been under Judy Woodroof's (a veteran newswoman's) - command for a very long time. She needs to take a long break from her duties - in spite of her obvious - personal - "face lift". It's a shame the show can't get a big "face lift" - as well. 

       One can only hope that with an avalanche of the Leftist/Liberal/Socialist biased U.S. and International - news outlets - there will be a massive proliferation of a different, facts-based - broadcasts on the order of PJ Media or Fox Broadcasting. At the moment - "brothers and sisters" of Fox Broadcasting like OAN (One American News) or Newsmax or National Desk - and other Broadcasting companies of that type - are becoming popular - but we need a lot more of them.

       It's worth noting that NPR Nightly News - "gave birth" to Friday's half hour news analysis broadcast - "Washington Week in Review" which happens only Fridays - 8pm - E.S.T. - thank God for small favors - since "Washington Week in Review" is more Leftist slanted than NPR Nightly News.

      At any rate - everybody will have a super good New Year 2023 - coming very soon!

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023

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