Friday, May 10, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 10 - 2024 till Fri. May 17 - 2024!

                               "Live from Studio 6B" - a NYC's - Political Satire on the Daily Political Events - 2 Hrs Long Nightly Broadcast!

        Real America's Voice Network - currently available in most U.S. TV markets - has introduced the aforementioned in the title - broadcast - several years ago - and it has been popular/in demand - in most U.S. TV markets.

      Since it is broadcasted nightly - from 8pm - E.S.T. - till 10pm E.S.T. - it - at times - "misses the mark" and comes up with a boring production. However - most of the time - the three guys - anchors - show funny clips from the political events which happened during the past week - as well as provide - funny - commentaries about the past political happenings - which took place during the week that passed in the U.S and abroad.

      They also feature a sports' guy - who 'sports' - an "authentic", heavy New York accent - as well as funny, flashy attire; he can get away his "crazy antics" including his thick, New York accent - whereas - the other three anchors did the right thing and reduced it to a great extent - just like most TV anchors who speak to the wide U.S. TV audiences.

      At any rate - as we mentioned above - most of their TV satirical transmissions - come out - hilarious. They use a lot of short clips to illustrate their humorous "takes" onto the political events taking place during the week which concluded.

     Pres. Biden takes a lot of their time - due to his weekly - heavy "gaffes" and other - humorous gestures - without him - intending such.

     In any event - enjoy "Live from Studio 6B" and we shall meet here a week from today! 

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

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