The Campuses of the American Ivy Leage (Elitist) Universities and Colleges on East Coast - Explode in - Mostly - Anti-Semitic - Israel- hating - Rage!
That's - according to many political commentators posting those types of comments on many platforms about the above indicated in the title - phenomena; they further state - that the Marxists, Anarchists and other political violence promoting groups - active in Summer 2020 Riots - currently - infiltrated to the great extent - mostly - Ivy League, expensive universities on the East Coast - on the like of Columbia, Yale, Barnhard - and other East Coast - elitist institutions of higher learning; the notable exception was the huge - University of Texas and a few other colleges located in the Republican dominated, red states - but mostly the Republican dominated states - keep order on their campuses of higher learning institutions.
The students there - can - legitimately protest - but they are not allowed to - intimidate or threaten other students - like the Jewish students and others who disagree with the protesters.
Thus - the Florida universities - as well as most higher learning establishments in other Republican dominated, red states - manage to have the governors and the heads of their higher institutions - maintaining the order on their respective university campuses.
As we noted above - the students there can protest peacefully - but they can't chant hateful, threatening slogans at the Jewish students, they can't block them from the entries to the campus buildings and the can't - ethnically - intimidate them. All those above-mentioned, criminal actions - cross the line from the peaceful protests to violent, Nazi style/Brown Shirts style - intimidations.
The police are called frequently to restore the order to the Ivy League universities' chaos - while many agitators as well as the students - massively disobey the police's order to disperse and clean up those hideous tents (no doubt - paid for by George Soros - the West hating, Marxist billionaire). Many of the aforementioned law breakers continue to be arrested and detained.
Tons of U.S. voters are taking a note of this political spectacle of which the consequences will be obvious in the coming Nov. 05 - 2024 presidential elections.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
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