Saturday, June 29, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 28 - 2024 till Fri. July 05 - 2024!

                                     June 27th - 2024 - Presidential Debate - Turns into a Huge Debacle for the Democrats' - main political "star" - Pres. Joe Biden.

         The struggle for the U.S. Presidency to elect the 47th U.S. president - only begins - right now. We - fully - expect the fights between the "Trumpys" and the "Bidenites" to be muddy, ugly and intense.

        For now - however - the first presidential debate in Atlanta, Georgia - produced by the Left leaning - CNN - clearly - demonstrated that Joe Biden - has heavy duty - health problems of several crucial kinds. 

        Not to "rub it in" or anything like that - Joe Biden was barely able to get off the debate stage on his own - at the conclusion of the 90 minutes long broadcast; he needed his wife's help to walk down the 3 easy stairs - whereas - the ex-pres. Trump appeared in a good physical and psychological - shape.

       At any rate - all of us - will watch the further developments of this race - while the political pundits will have a super productive political season - coming up - they will "flap" their "tongues" - like there is not tomorrow.

      In the meantime - Happy 4th of July - everybody - it's coming up every soon!

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

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