Friday, June 7, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. June 07 - 2024 through Fri. June 14 - 2024!

                                     Pres. Joe Biden Behaves in a Peculiar Manner During his Visit to France - to Celebrate 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Normandy Invasion - to Defeat the Nazis.

      According to the news story with the accompanying news clips - by Real America's Voice on June 06 - 2024 - during his visit to France - on June 06 - 2024 - to celebrate the 80th anniversary of D-Day which happened on June 06 - 1944 - Pres. Biden behaved in a peculiar fashion.

    To refresh everybody's memory - the American and Allied Forces landed on Normandy Beach in France on June-6-1944. They did it in order to defeat the powerful Nazi Germany's Army occupying most of Europe. 

    In a nutshell - according to the U.S. Army statistics - on that day - which commenced the prolonged campaign leading to the defeat of the Nazi's Weimar Republic - the U.S. lost (killed in the battle on that day) - 29 thousand soldiers; Canada lost (killed on that day) - 5 thousand - who died on that day - France lost 12 thousand (civilians and army - combined). Germany - however - lost 30 thousand soldiers - (killed in action on that day).

    All in all - about 500 thousand Allied soldiers - got killed and wounded - (we didn't show the numbers for the wounded) on that day - or close to it - including the Germans - however - 850 thousands of the brave - anti-Nazis' - combined warriors - succeeded - in landing their parachutes onto the shores of Frances' -Normandy.

    Back to June. 06 - 2024 - during which - President Biden's visit in France - demonstrated his peculiar behavior - according to Real America's Voice - broadcast on Jun. 06 - 2024 - which presented the commentary and the news clips - pointing to Pres. Biden - acting in strange manner when assembled on the stage - with France's - president Macron and his wife - Brigitte.

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

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