Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A Conclusion to a Preview of Mon. Nov. 09 - 15 - DWTS Dance Show - ABC - 8 PM. Eastern time.

     So Mark and Alexa went home - everybody! According to the viewers votes - Mark and Alexa needed to go home. Mark Ballas an unquestionably - talented dancer/choreographer - an ex-champion extraordinaire - this season - however - came up with several - numbers - which were not appreciated at all by a lot of viewers who expressed those views on numerous public media forums.
    Speaking of viewers' forums - "Afterbuzz TV" comentators talked about last week's - dancers who were sent home by the viewers' votes - namely - Andy and Allison.
    We have already mentioned the fact of Andy's getting a lot of passes on his dancing flaws - from the judges who also - frequently - gave him somewhat "inflated" - scores as well.
    As far as Allison is concerned - the commentators on "Afterbuzz TV" noted that her
 growing, 5 and a half months old pregnant belly - raised a lot of anxiety with the viewers and the producers responsible for all kinds of insurance issues on the set of DWTS.
    To make a long story - short - we feel that the viewers have a half of the "say" over who goes since the judges can be unfairly biased - at times. However - having the audiences - weighing in a whole half of the crucial decisions can cut both ways - as well - since - at times - the "hordes" of awful viewers' voices - can unfairly "gang up" on some individual - but the same ignorant acting elements - quickly reverse themselves upon hearing of - at times - even one - rational and smart - argument.
    Speaking of "ganging up" - the beautiful Tamar Braxton-Herbert was getting a lot of totally undeserved - hate - from a lot of people. We wish her a quick recovery!
    At any rate - don't forget to watch next Monday - semi-finals and - as always - click here for our popular preview and the conclusion.
    Have a great week!

Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2016

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