Monday, November 16, 2015

A Conclusion to A Semi-Finals - DWTS - Nov. 16 - 2015 - ABC - 8 PM.

    Tonight's show had a lot of surprises. The dancing trios concept - needs to be complemented. Finally - the producers came up with some good ideas since tonight's show was exciting enough for a minimal need to switch the channels - to see what the "neighbors" are up to. It was good to see Karina Smirnoff and Peta Murgatroy to fill in for the trios arrangements.
    The dance off - tonight - was much better organized than the one a few weeks ago - when nobody seemed to have any clear notion of what needed to be done and when.
    We still had a problem with the studio music.  The beautiful Argentine Tango choreographies - needed some excellent Tango music selections to match - which were sorely lacking.
    The hair people had Bindi's and Sharna's hair all tight - into the respective buns in the back of their heads while the remaining dancers shook their luxurious tresses all over the place.
    The biggest surprise of the evening - however - happened at the very end when Bindi and Derek suddenly found themselves at the bottom of the board along with Nick and Sharna while Alek and Lindsay with Carlos and Whitney - suddenly jumped to the top.-
       Nobody went home since Tamar Braxton-Herbert - left the show suddenly due to her embolisms in the lungs made acute by a frequent flying. We wish her a speedy recovery.

   Don't forget to click here next week for sure - for the finals - preview and the conclusion - for sure! You will also find out which show we will be reviewing - next.
   Have a great week everybody!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and the Associates - 2016

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