Monday, November 9, 2015

A Preview DWTS - Mon. Nov. 9 - 15 - ABC 8 P.M Easter time.

     First of all - we will make a prediction that Alek and Lindsay will not go home - notwithstanding their low place on the leader board.  Mark's choreo tonight - for him and Alexa was a contemporary with a dark side of human experiences - prominently emphasized - with the bland music to match - did not receive any enthusiastic responses from the viewers - even if that routine totally impressed the judges.
    Val and Tamar are on the bottom of the board since the judges had to give low scores for a dress rehearsal - so far due to Tamar taking ill and still not showing up - so far; we are now - well into the second part of the show.
    Everybody needs to vote - people! We absolutely loved Nick and Sharna's fabulous Broadway routine with the music simply great and Sharna's hair and costumes - really top notch.
    Speaking of the dress style and hair - Erin Edwards - looks like her costume stylist as well as her hair person - are on strike or something.

    Don't forget to click here for our conclusion tomorrow and please - vote, vote, vote - right now!

    Have a great evening and enjoy the show!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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