Saturday, January 30, 2016

Our Choice of the Youtube Video for the first week of Feb.2016 - Feb.01 through Feb.08 - 2016!

      This week we chose a vid which was produced by genia106 - the same erudite New Yorker lady who uploaded the last week's piece.
     Since a lot of people - including me - like to see the author of the feature they are "experiencing"/reading - we chose a smart video uploaded by genia106 on Aug.13 - 2009 titled "Pjotr Leshchenko - lola - genia106" - which needs to be typed into YouTube bar - verbatim.
     That work is dedicated to me (not boasting or anything like that - mind you) so it has a photo of me with a close friend/movie director - at the very beginning of that video. My hair is a bit shorter - now - otherwise - according to my friends - I didn't change much - at all.
     Please read the comments and enjoy the Tango genius - Pyotr Leshchenko who continues to live through his many fans clicking on his works in YouTube "land" - in spite of his tragic, early death in the Communist Rumanian prison camp in the early fifties. 
          Click on
    Hoping that everybody will have an excellent first week of February 2016 - we remind you to click here every week for another Youtube video of the week!

                 Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2025


Friday, January 22, 2016

Our choice of the Video of the Week - the last week of Jan.2016 - Jan.23 through Jan.30 - 2016.

     This week we chose a vid by a sophisticated lady New Yorker - genia106 who uploads sparkling, fun and effervescent videos on the order of those produced by Dr.240252 who is one of her best Youtube - friends. All of us who love Youtube website call ourselves - Youtubers.
     On Jan. 5-2016 - genia106 uploaded a terrific vid titled "Luchino Visconti - 'The Damned' - Tango by Monica Belluci." You will find out about the creative output of Luchino Visconti the famous Italian director in the class of Federico Fellini with Visconti's major movie "The Damned" - effectively highlighted in genia106 video. For the musical background she uses a terrific Tango called simply "Tango" which is expertly belted out by the low, sensuous voice of Monica Belucci.
     At any rate - hope you had a great third week of January 2016 - with the blizzard coming to the East Coast on Jan. 23 - skipping your area! My Youtube nickname - tango3721.
      If you want to immerse yourself in a Chicago story told through an intimate prism which uses the memories of an observant journalist click on
     Don't forget to click here on Mon. Feb. 01 - 2016 - for our choice of the First week of February 2016 - Feb. 01 through Feb. 08 - 2016!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2016

Friday, January 15, 2016

Our Video of the Week Choice for Jan. 16 through Jan. 23 - 2016 - the Third Week of Jan. 2016.

     For the third week of Jan.2016 - we chose a multi-layered vid by 240252 uploaded on Jan. 13 - 2016 - titled "Paul Whitman Orchestra with vocal refrain - Ah-Ha".
     One has to listen several times - to the cleverly delivered lyrics in a top notch manner by an unaccredited vocalist - to appreciate a rich, multi-meaning message - dealing with a "jilted" or "double-crossed" lover's opportunity for a "pay-back" - in kind. 
     It turns out that - the unaccredited vocalist's name is Ted Lewis - for whom that piece was composed and arranged so it's a little wonder that he did a superb job - performing it. Perhaps he had some experiences of that nature - as well. We all do.
     In a nutshell a lead male vocal with a comical chorus in the background - tells a story of his ex-girlfriend who cheated on him with his best friend but as it often happens in life in case of a double cross - things went sour in a hurry so now - she wants to come back to him. He - however - indulges in a "pay back" - in terms of having her wait "a while" before he takes her back - thus risking losing her.
      All of us experience some version of a mini or a bigger - "double cross" of some kind which is usually followed by the opportunity for a just "pay back" which can be a lot of fun providing that it does not take the form of any prolonged "vendetta" of any kind.
      At any rate - enjoy the vid and have a super good third week of January 2016!
                  Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2025

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Our Choice of Youtube Vid for this Week Is Longer than Usually - but Well Worth Your Effort!

       For this week - Jan. 08 through Jan. 16 - 2016 - the second week of Jan. 2016 - we chose a longer Youtube production published by Konstantin Robakidze on Nov.12 - 2013 - titled "Pavel Gofman - Eddie Rosner" - about the turbulent life events of Eddie Rosner - a legendary Soviet band leader who almost died during the German "blitzkrieg" attack on Poland on Sept. 01 - 1939 - executed by Hitler. Rosner - subsequently - was imprisoned by another bloody dictator - Joseph Stalin - who packed his infamous prisons/"gulags" with all kinds of innocent people including a lot of famous stars - plus many thousands of regular people - as well.
     Long story - short - the English translation for this vid is provided by Eddie's daughter who subsequently settled in the U.S. Her mother - Ruth Kaminska - Eddie's first wife - was a daughter of a famous Polish/Yiddish theatre legend - Ida Kaminska - who for a long time was a huge star of the Yiddish Theatre in Poland.
     I had an opportunity to see Ida Kaminska on the stage when she was older and the unearthly magic, she brought to the stage is hard to describe. Whenever she appeared on the stage - everybody in the audience immediately focused their eyes - on her. Ruth Kaminska - her daughter - on the other hand - seemed to be blessed with a minimal talent and charisma - in spite of her famous mother - drilling her all her life.
    If she wasn't Ida Kaminska daughter - a lot of critics - expressed their doubts that she would get to play tons of major parts which she received - not suited for her. 
Getting back to Eddie Rosner - he barely escaped with his life on several occasions. Take a look at the video and enjoy!
     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025