For the third week of Jan.2016 - we chose a multi-layered vid by 240252 uploaded on Jan. 13 - 2016 - titled "Paul Whitman Orchestra with vocal refrain - Ah-Ha".
One has to listen several times - to the cleverly delivered lyrics in a top notch manner by an unaccredited vocalist - to appreciate a rich, multi-meaning message - dealing with a "jilted" or "double-crossed" lover's opportunity for a "pay-back" - in kind.
It turns out that - the unaccredited vocalist's name is Ted Lewis - for whom that piece was composed and arranged so it's a little wonder that he did a superb job - performing it. Perhaps he had some experiences of that nature - as well. We all do.
In a nutshell a lead male vocal with a comical chorus in the background - tells a story of his ex-girlfriend who cheated on him with his best friend but as it often happens in life in case of a double cross - things went sour in a hurry so now - she wants to come back to him. He - however - indulges in a "pay back" - in terms of having her wait "a while" before he takes her back - thus risking losing her.
All of us experience some version of a mini or a bigger - "double cross" of some kind which is usually followed by the opportunity for a just "pay back" which can be a lot of fun providing that it does not take the form of any prolonged "vendetta" of any kind.
At any rate - enjoy the vid and have a super good third week of January 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2025
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