Friday, January 22, 2016

Our choice of the Video of the Week - the last week of Jan.2016 - Jan.23 through Jan.30 - 2016.

     This week we chose a vid by a sophisticated lady New Yorker - genia106 who uploads sparkling, fun and effervescent videos on the order of those produced by Dr.240252 who is one of her best Youtube - friends. All of us who love Youtube website call ourselves - Youtubers.
     On Jan. 5-2016 - genia106 uploaded a terrific vid titled "Luchino Visconti - 'The Damned' - Tango by Monica Belluci." You will find out about the creative output of Luchino Visconti the famous Italian director in the class of Federico Fellini with Visconti's major movie "The Damned" - effectively highlighted in genia106 video. For the musical background she uses a terrific Tango called simply "Tango" which is expertly belted out by the low, sensuous voice of Monica Belucci.
     At any rate - hope you had a great third week of January 2016 - with the blizzard coming to the East Coast on Jan. 23 - skipping your area! My Youtube nickname - tango3721.
      If you want to immerse yourself in a Chicago story told through an intimate prism which uses the memories of an observant journalist click on
     Don't forget to click here on Mon. Feb. 01 - 2016 - for our choice of the First week of February 2016 - Feb. 01 through Feb. 08 - 2016!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2016

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