Saturday, January 30, 2016

Our Choice of the Youtube Video for the first week of Feb.2016 - Feb.01 through Feb.08.

      This week we chose a vid which was produced by genia106 - the same erudite New Yorker lady who uploaded the last week's piece.
     Since a lot of people - including me - like to see the author of the feature they are "experiencing"/reading - we chose a smart video uploaded by genia106 on Aug.13 - 2009 titled "Pjotr Leshchenko - lola - genia106" - which needs to be typed into Youtube bar - verbatim.
     That work is dedicated to me (not boasting or anything like that - mind you) so it has a photo of me with a friend/movie director - at the very beginning of that video. My hair is a bit shorter - now - otherwise - according to my friends - I didn't change much.
     Please read the comments and enjoy the Tango genius - Pyotr Leshchenko who continues to  live through his many fans clicking on his works in Youtube "land" - in spite of his tragic, early death in the Communist Rumanian prison camp in the early fifties. 
          Click on
   to read an exciting Chicago story! When you go check out the Youtube video of the week - my nickname is tango3721.
    Hoping that everybody will have an excellent first week of February 2016 - we remind you to click here around the 8th of February for another Youtube video of the week selection  for the second week of Feb. 2016!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2016


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