Saturday, February 27, 2016

For the First Week of March 2016 - we chose a Vid by 240252 - "Chor Dana - Three Little Pigs + Yuba Plays a Rumba on a Tuba".

          For the first week of March 2016 - we pick a funny and light vid uploaded by Dr.240252 on Feb.26-2016 - titled - "Chor Dana (Dan's Choir) - Three Little Pigs + Yuba Plays a Rhumba on a Tuba."
     Dan's Choir was a four men musical Warsaw group of talented musicians/singers - enormously popular in Warsaw circa 1933 who were performing and arranging tons of the international hits of the day. They were a super gifted group with some of their musical covers' arrangements - surpassing the originals.
    Warsaw was a huge cultural center - another Paris of Eastern Europe during the 1930's. I mentioned before that all that glorious activity was shattered by Hitler's massive attack on Poland in Sept. 1939.
      Dr. 240252 presents a short double musical feature - 2 minutes each - consisting of Walt Disney's musical piece "Three Little Pigs" - loved by everybody aged 3 through 103 with the second one being "Yuba Plays a Rumba on a Tuba" - a popular and funky international piece. Dan's Choir does a superbly good musical job on those tunes - however - the funky artwork by 240252 looks excellent - as always. 
      Have a good first week of March 2016 - everybody! The spring is close! We meet again next week - same place - same channel!  

                 Copyright @L.Hadley and Associates - 2025

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