Thursday, June 22, 2017

Our Choice for YT Vid of the Week for the 5th (last wk.of Jun.2017)!

       For this last week of June 2017 - we chose a short vid uploaded by the Fox News Channel on June 21-2017 - titled "Noelle Nikpour - Dems Ran a Campaign on anti-Trump".
       In this short piece the Fox News commentators analyze  the inept Democratic campaign for the congressional seat vacated in Georgia after the current representative went to work for President Trump. The Democrats mobilized tons of Hollywood celebrities to endorse the unknown youngster Mr. Osoff - who doesn't even live in Georgia.
       Long story - short - all that backfired and a competent Republican candidate - Ms. Handel - handily won the seat - in this special elections which had each party spend - 40 millions dollars - the amount which seems - "obscene".
       Enjoy the clip and have a good last week of June 2017 - everybody! As always click here on next Thurs. June 29 - 2017 and have a good week; let's keep the coming Summer 2017 - cool - in Chicago area! 
       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

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