Thursday, June 8, 2017

Our YT Choice of the Vid of the Week - Yana Gray - a Russian Romance singer uploaded a new Vid on June 06 - 2017!

        Yana Gray - a Russian/American vocalist with a silky, sultry, low alto voice - uploads a lot of Russian Gypsy Romantic pieces on YouTube. Her video uploaded on June 06 - 2017 is titled "Nie Sprashivaj" ("Don't Ask Me") - English translation of this title. The magnificent verses used as lyrics were written by the most famous Russian Romantic poet - Alexander Pushkin - who died in a duel over his beautiful wife's - Natalia Goncharova's - honor. He was only 37 at the time of his tragic death.
        It needs to be noted that Pushkin had a reputation (not entirely substantiated) of a big womanizer. It was wildly rumored that he was inspired to write those magnificent verses due to his hot love affair with a beautiful Gypsy. Even though he - unfortunately - died at such a young age - only 37 years old - he managed to leave a big literary legacy - cherished until today - by most of the literary world for all the years - since his untimely, tragic death in a duel - in 1854. Lots of great, talented people met their unnecessary demise in duels; thank God that deathly tradition - disappeared.

        The year 2017 - was Alexander Pushkin's - two hundredth anniversary of his birth. His fabulous verses were used as lyrics for this ballad. Yana Gray also gives you a lot of interesting info re: the composer of this Gypsy ballad. Listen, read, learn and enjoy.
       Have a good third week of June 2017 - everybody! After many marvelous, sunny but cool - spring 2017 - days - Chicago will have some bothersome heat waves next week! That - too - shall pass!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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