Thursday, June 29, 2017

Our YT Choice for the Vid of the Wk for the First Wk of July 2017!

        For this first week of July 2017 - we picked a fun, fun, fun Video uploaded on June 29-2017 by our friend - the erudite - Dr.240252 - titled "Jazz Age: Georgia Melodians - Red Hot Mamma".
        Dr. 240252 has been uploading a lot of interesting and mostly - entertaining - "mini productions" which are fun and educational at the same time. We pick his latest stuff for the coming Fourth of July Holiday which the city of Chicago celebrates in a big way - every year. Some years the heat can be a big spoiler - this year - we are expecting some rain - hopefully after the fire works. We'll let you know next week.

        We make a short commentary this week since it is a busy, holiday, long weekend coming up. As always - have a great Fourth of July everybody and don't forget to click here next Thurs. July 06-17 or Fri. July 07-17 to check our pick of the YT Video of the Week - for next week!

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017

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