Thursday, September 14, 2017

Our Pick for the YT Vid of the Wk. for the 3rd Wk. of Sept. 2017- "Barry Sisters-Ich Chob Dich Tzifil Lieb"!

        For the third week of Sept. 2017 we picked an old Yiddish song posted on YT on Feb.10 - 2015 by VintageMusicFm - titled "Barry Sisters - Ich Chob Dich Tsifil Lieb". Its an old Yiddish song - romantic, "schmaltzy" but charming - with an excellent vocals by the two sisters Bagelman - Minnie and Claire - who were real beauties when - younger. Thy sing part of it in Yiddish but the second part is in Enghlish.
       At the beginning of their careers - they were big in the "Borsht Belt" area of New York Catskills Mountains with a big following of New York Jews. However - they built quite a following and sold a lot of records to listeners who liked performers like Frank Sinatra - which means lyrics worth listening to - good vocals and super good orchestral arrangements.
      Half of this song is done in Yiddish but the second half - they sing in English. It's a corny but romantic musical piece - easy to humm and easy to remember. As much as the talented and beautiful sisters enjoyed a sizable career in the U.S. - their performances in Israel were not met with a decent reception because Hebrew took over big time - with Yiddish spoken only by older people.
      At any rate - have a great third week of Sept. 2017 everybody! This week - Chicago continues with glorious weather and less homicides. Now - presently - the leftist leaning Chicago politicians are getting ready to issue "special cards" to "anybody known to mankind" who comes here. Those cards would entitle the holders to free public transportation (as if the public transportation is not already infested with all kinds of hoodlums bothering decent people) - and the city libraries' privileges would also be available for the holders of those "new" identification cards.
      It's a shame that the leftist politicians don't give the new card holders - free dinners twice per week at the leftist legislators' - homes. Needless to say - those kinds of legislative excesses are costly. Guess who is paying? You guessed right - the squeezed to the max - Chicago taxpayers are footing the bill. The city - already - has enormously high taxes on anything they can tax - if they could tax people's "belches" and other functions - not mentioned in a mixed company - they would. Thank God for the near by suburbs which don't do it quite as much. 
     Don't forget to click here next Thursday - Sept. 21 - 17 and - please - keep checking our channel tango3721 as always - click here to see which YT Vid will be our choice for the YT Vid of the Week for next week!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017

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