Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Vid of the Wk for the 2nd Wk of Sept. 2017 - "California Ramblers - Yes - She Do (No She Don't) - Columbia 1927".

      For the second week of Sept. 2017 - we chose a funny video uploaded by Dr. 240252 on July 30 - 2009 titled - "California Ramblers - Yes - She Do (No She Don't)-Columbia 1927". The arwork which Dr. 240252 picked - reflects the feverish, fun and full of the reckless abandon - Golden Twenties climate in the U.S. in the 1920's - the craziness which swept other countries - as well. The Jazz fever which swallowed most countries in a huge wave of Jazz music, dancing, dressing and famous bobb hair styles (especially for the ladies) seemed to have no end in sight - until it fizzled out at the end of the 1920's - to give place to another world trend.
      California Ramblers had a lot of success and longevity in performing many, many gigs until they got tired of it and started to do other things - equally well. This particular arrangement has a piano - dominating - in Jelly Roll - a famous Harlem Jazz musician/legend's style. The viewers' comments under this vid - will make you laugh.
      At any rate - have a super good second week of September 2017 - while the people in Florida are bracing for the wrath of approaching Hurricane - Irma. Chicago has truly glorious weather this week and less than usual number of homicides. As always keep clicking our channel tango3721 and check here next Thurs. Sept. 16 - 17 - to check on our choice of YT Vid of the Week - for next week!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017

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