Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Our Choice for YT Vid of the Wk for the 2nd Wk of Jun.2018 - "Valerie Jarrett Responds to a 'racist' twitt sent by Roseanne Barr."

          For the 2nd week of June 2018 - as our Vid of the Week - we picked a short news clip uploaded by ABC News on May 29 - 2018 titled "Valerie Jarrett Responds to a 'Racist' Twitt by Roseanne Barr." In the short clip - Valerie Jarrett states with a phony magnanimous humility that she "feels for other people who don't have many people sticking up for them." Fiddle Sticks!
       As a close advisor to ex-Pres. Obama - she constantly partakes in tons of fancy shchmantzy events reserved for '"crony capitalists's" Leftists elite - surrounding the ex-Pres. Obama. She couldn't care less about the rest of us - and that's the truth. No sense in beating around the bush!
       Roseanne Barr - a Pres. Trump supporter - whose "raunchy" sense of humor has always been her dubious trademark - made a stupid joke on Twitter on May 29 - 2018 about Valerie Jarrett. The U.S. Marxists Elite Liberals which include most of the U.S. Media Venues of every kind - started to scream hysterically that the joke was racist which is highly debatable - since all jokes are - either offensive or not - the manner only registering one way or the opposite - "in the eyes of the beholders". What about many black comics plus other comics who constantly use most filthy, profane language full of hate directed against the white people - especially Pres. Trump and his followers - a hundred million of Americans who voted for him and support most of his policies?
      Roseanne's successful re-boot of "Roseanne Show" was immediately cancealled by ABC - which is owned by Disney Co. - evidently - because - according to the posts on the social media platforms - the hypocritical, Left leaning Disney's Co.'s - new, black female top executive strongly pushed for this decision which - by the way - backfires in a big way on Disney Co. According to many people posting their angry outrage onto the social media platforms - they will boycott Disney Products in a big way.
     A lot of people were expressing tons of anger at Disney/ABC hypocrisy on the platforms of various social media outlets - to the effect that ABC's "View" - watched by only a few people - as well as other ABC shows - constantly spew virulent hatred towards President Trump and the people who voted for him which continue to support most of his policies. Nobody gets cancealled which is a huge double standard in favor of the Left - on full display.
     At any rate - we hope that the second week of June will be just as much fun as the first one was especially since the long Memorial Day Weekend always brings to all of us the beginning of the terrific summer 2018 which will continue in a great mode. Thanks for clicking our YT channel tango3721! We will meet here - next week - the same channel - the same day!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018    

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Our YT Choice of the YT Vid of the Week - First Wk of Jun. 2018 - "In the Chapel in the Moonlight - Will Osborne Orchestra".

       For the first week of Jun. 2018 which also has a Memorial Day Weekend in the middle of it - we chose a vintage performance by Will Osborne Orchestra that also features Osborne's great sounding vocals. The video titled "In the Chapel in the Moonlight - Will Osborne Orchestra" was uploaded on May 19 - 2018 by Bigband Lou - an older gentleman who produces the vintage American and British Jazz pieces which frequently present super good jazz vocals as well.
      Some loyal viewers commented that the quirky photos of couples who just got married - had to be picked by Bigband Lou to - probably - commemorate the recent British Royal wedding of the American actress - Meghan Markle to British Prince Harry - which took place on the same day as this vid was posted on YouTube platform - May 19 - 2018. However - as you read the funny comments - Bigband Lou - the producer - states that he did it by accident since he couldn't give a hoot about the royal wedding.
     Not to be bitchy or anything like that but the whole British Royal wedding hoopla last weekend was literally "oozing out of a lot of people's ears" - according to a lot of posts to that effect posted onto the public media platforms. It was too long - with all the various commentators putting their "five cents worth" - ad nauseum - thus the whole thing could be shortened quite a bit.
     Anyway - all of us will have a super good Memorial Day weekend coming up very soon which is my second most favorite holiday of the year - the beginning of a glorious summer 2018 for all of us! Thanksgiving has always been my number one choice - I told you that before.
     We meet again - next week - the same day!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Our Choice for YT Video of the Wk - "You're Not Going to Believe This."

      For the 4th week of May 2018 - we chose a funny - political satire type video by Mark Dice uploaded on May 15 - 2018 in which he pokes fun at Hillary Clinton, Anderson Cooper, Bob Avenati and the other main stream media heroes - in general.
      He has been uploading a lot of funny videos onto his Youtube channel which has a million and a quarter viewers - out of his kitchen using his laptop. He mentiones that he has about half of the viewers than that of the number of the viewers watching Anderson Cooper show who operates out of the expensive, fancy-schmantzy CNN studio.
      Mark Dice spoofs the - purportedly accurate - news briefs which CNN streams in which Bob Avenati who is Stormy Daniels' (the aging porn star still seeking her fifteen minutes of fame) and her temporary business associate - the same "creepy porn lawyer" - attorney - the pair who features prominently almost every night - for no other reason that to "stick it" to President Trump. Most TV viewers are sick of looking at the eggshaped head shots of Bob Avenati as he spews his propaganda - since he is paid by the Democrats - no doubt about it. 
     Then the clip shows Hillary Clinton in Australia with a big piece of metal prominently protruding from her back - which appears to be a big back brace. She - subsequently - donned a huge scarf to cover that brace as she informs her Australian audience of all of her three viewers - about yet another reason why she lost the elections - as if anybody of substance gives a hoot about her explanations. Furthermore - she smiles broadly into the camera and her wide grin clearly shows that she forgot to put her partial denture into her mouth since the big gap in her front teeth points to that fact.
     At the very end Mark shows a clip of Hillary which even her most ardent admirers would not call complementary at all. Evidently before she goes to bed she takes her wigg off in addition to taking her partial denture out of her mouth. In addition - Youtube has a widely circulated quotation by Huma Abedin - Hillary's close, long time confidante, assisstant, best friend and fill out the blanks everybody - in what other ways those two ladies have been close and bonded to each other like Siymese twins for the duration of the huge chunks of their respective lives. 
     However there could be a slight "wrinkle" detected in their paradise. According to the widely published, recent Youtube info piece - Huma - allegedly stated that Hillary - currently - is "a barely walking corpse" - which is not very nice - considering the fact that Hillary took a lot of heat when while serving as a U.S. Secretary of State - she insisted that Huma gets paid a lot of American taxpayers' money - for her "services" to our country.
     Anyway - back to our column - we will all have a super good week - almost Memorial Day 2018 - week! Next column will have Memorial Day weekend wishes - everybody! That weekend has always been our favorite spring-summer long weekend - promising a great summer ahead for all of us! We will meet here again - next week - same place, same time, same "channel".

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Our YT Choice of the Vid of the Wk for the 3rd Wk of May 2018 - "Gorka and Bongino on U.S. Exit from Iran Deal".

        For the third week of May 2018 - we choose a snappy video uploaded by Fox News on May 08 - 2018 titled "Gorka and Bongino on U.S. Exit from Iran Deal". This vid presents a segment of Sean Hannity's enormously popular Fox News show - in which Dr. Sebastian Gorka - a London born and educated political strategist of a Hungarian descent - a consultant to an ex-president Bush - the second one - together with Dan Bongino - an American ex-CIA special agent - currently a well liked contributor to Fox News - discuss in a colorful and entertaining manner - Pres. Trump's recent exit from Iran Nuclear Deal - forced by Obama Administration - down the throats of the American people and well over half of the top U.S. legislators in 2015. Dr. Gorka - in addition to his beautiful voice - and the charming way of delivering his dynamite political analyses in a sexy manner in which his British accent plays a part - also sports good looks - the trust inspiring kind which makes most women - melt and most men wanting to appear exactly like him. I say - that he is ideal for television appearances - unlike some ugly looking but brilliant sounding people who should stick to the radio - but Dr. Gorka also needs his own radio talk show which would - for certain - attract tons of people.
      Dr. Gorka and Dan Bongino in the vid we chose - discuss the controversial, Obama's non-binding piece of legislature which - according to many political analysts - gave tons of cash to the terroristic, fanatical, theocratic rulers of Iran - with them giving almost nothing back in return - in which Obama used his favorite political device similar to an executive order but weaker - that is in most cases - not only unconstitutional but it's easily reversed by the next Presidential administration which follows. 
       Hannity - a tremendous radio talk show host and a powerful critic of Obama Administration - frequently talks over his guests and interrupts them a lot - this time - however - commented on target - in the video which we are highligting tonight - Hannity said that "Obama thought that his 'sucking up' to the Iranian mullahs who chant 'death to America' while they steal from their own people - will keep them from attempting to destroy the U.S." - this statement makes a lot of sense to a lot of people in the U.S. and in the rest of the free world.
       Dr. Gorka's analysis and comments have tons of common sense logic so that's why his book "Defeating Jihad" has been a national bestseller on the top of the bestsellers' list for a long time. His new book "Why We Fight" has already pre-sold in big numbers on website even before its publication. We highly recommend both works - "page-turners" - hard to put down.
      Dan Bongino - an ex-top special agent of CIA has a way of clearly presenting current political events through the prism of an ex-insider which explains a lot of complicated political matters in a way that rings with common sense.
      In any event - you will find this video enlightening and fun. All of us will have a super good third week of May 2018 and we meet again at the same place during the same day of the next week! Thanks for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018 

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Our Choice of a YT Vid of the Week - Fri.May 04 till Fri.May 11-2018 - "Boom-The 'View' Busted for Admitting They Use Applause Guy to Cue Audience".

        For the second week of May 2018 - we picked a funny video uploaded by the guy with a Youtube name of Ovation Eddie who specializes in politically slanted, satirical videos which - essentially - make fun of liberal Democrats and their cockamany political theories. Ovation Eddie uploaded his latest video titled "Boom - the 'View' Busted for Admitting They Use Applause Guy To Cue the Audience" on May 02-2018.
       Ovation Eddie successfuly produces various series of short videos ridiculing in a big way the "ubber" Liberal/Socialistic representatives in a world of politics and in other areas which enables them to shove their "kissers" on TV so they can be on TV spewing their propaganda/drivel causes in which they themselves do not believe - until they get "burned" by Socialism so they quickly become a lot more conservative (which means that they conserve/maintain the Capitalistic oriented ideals - the ones which work well in a free society). 
      One of Ovation Eddie's favorite targets - Joy Behar - a wealthy host of the liberally slanted TV show "The View" mostly representing Liberal Democrats; Behar is a typical rich, Left leaning elitist Marxist comedianne whose virulently appoplectic hatred of Pres. Donald Trump puts her frequently in the cross-hairs of another "View" host - the conservative Republican - Meghan McCain - the outspoken, on target analyst - who frequently makes Joy Behar appear like a proverbial "village idiot" representing the Socialistic leaning - elitists Marxists/Democrats - California style. Meghan is a daughter of a famous, long time Arizona liberal Republican - John McCain - currently - "knocking on the death door" while battling an untreatable, 4th stage brain cancer.
      At any rate - enjoy the video - everybody - while all of us will have a very good second week of May 2018! Don't forget to click here next week - the same time - the same place and as always thanks a million for clicking on our Youtube channel tango3721.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018