Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Our Choice for the YT Vid of the Week for the 1st Wk of July 2018 - Gotcha News Network - "Red Hen Owner who Booted Sarah Sanders Just Got Nasty Taste of Her Own Medicine"!

         For the first week of July 2018 - we picked a funny video uploaded on Jun. 27-2018 by an undisclosed lady with a magnificent voice who goes by the YT nickname of Gotcha Network News. She - astutely - keeps her real name discreetly hidden because according to her true statement - "the irrational hordes of extreme Leftists/Liberals behave in an increasingly crazy manner". Last week Maxine Waters - an old, loud mouthed, extremely Leftist rep. from Los Angeles, Ca. district - urged the "harrassment of Trump supporters" bordering on - barely stopping short - urging the violence against the Trump supporters.
     The video which we are highlighting - mentioned above - deals with the extreme Leftist owner of a restaurant franchise "Red Hen" who not only refused service to Sarah Huckabee Sanders - Pres. Trump's Press Secretary - but she proceeded to follow and harrass Sarah and her family into the other restaurant to which they went. The rightfully outraged reaction to this kind of truly Fascist, unlawful tactics - put a well deserved pressure on the Leftist "Red Hen" franchise owner.
       In any event - we know that all of us - fair, just and good people will have a great first week of July 2018 with the 4th of July coming up which is always a lot of fun. Keep your fireworks safe and away from "spooked up" domestic animals! As always thanks whole bunch for clicking our YT channel tango3721! We shall meet again next week - at the same place!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018  

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Our Choice for YT Video of the Week for the Last Week of - Jun. 2018 - Fri. Jun. 22 - 18 till Fri. Jun. 29 - 18!

       For the last week of Jun. 2018 - we chose a video by a young, handsome, black journalist - David Harris, Jr. - titled "Mexico, Obama, Germany, Refugees and Israel!" - uploaded onto his YT platform on Jun. 19 - 2018. David Harris, Jr is an athletic looking black journalist with terrific communications abilities. If he wishes he would have a great political career potential since his concern for what's currently happening in the U.S. - comes through - loud and clear. He writes his commentaries in most snappy, crisp and exciting manner. His analysis of current events sparkles with clarity and common sense. 
      In the video which we picked - David Harris, Jr. points out to the numerous "fake news" outlets - totally ignoring - the ex-President Obama's caused - many incidents where his "versions" of enforcing the U.S southern international borders' laws - on many occassions  - separated the illegal aliens from their children - while they make a big deal when Pres. Trump attempts to enforce the illegal borders crossing laws which call for separating the children from the adults who commit the crimes. 
      Mr. Harris also talks about the U.S. finally leaving the United Nations Human Rights Council which it re-joined at the urgent request by an ex-President Obama - the totally anti-American and anti-Israel United Nations' Council which while - heavily financed by the U.S. -consistently issues its totally biased resolutions against U.S. and Israel while it constantly ignores other countries' blatant violations of human rights of every imaginable kind.
      We understand that Mr. Harris is -  getting a lot of push-back from some black Democratic politicians on the order of an old political Leftist "hack" who needs to retire after serving since 1987 - Mr. John Lewis - a long time congressional rep. from Atlanta, Georgia district - who sheds "crocodile tears" over the illegal aliens' - kids separated from their illegal alliens parents on the southern U.S. border while in the U.S. plenty of American children whose parents are in jail - have to depend on private charities to give them some support since the American taxpayers are "squeezed dried" by all the political party "hacks"'s various expenses - on both sides of the political - isles - with the Democrats - traditionally - quick to spend the taxpayers money like "there is no tomorrow."
        At any rate - all of us will have a super good last week of June 2018 which is always a beautiful first month of the summer for everybody. Thanks for clicking our YT channel tango3721 and we will meet again in the same manner - next week!
        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023     

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Our Choice of the YT Vid of the Wk for the Third Wk of Jun. 2018 - "Polish Tango Argentino - My Precious (Mily) Ordonowna - Chor Dana - 1929".

      For the third week of June 2018 we chose for our Video of the Week - a lovely Tango uploaded onto a YT platform by Dr. 240252 on Aug. 19 - 2010 titled "Polish Tango Argentino - My Precious (Mily) - Ordonowna - Chor Dana - 1929".
     Hanka Ordon-Tyszkiewicz a multi-talented, beautiful Polish movie star, singer, dancer, lyricist was born in Warsaw 1902 and died in Beirut, Lebanon in 1950. Her career was wildly successful - in Polish movies, producing hit records to which she frequently wrote the lyrics in addition to singing. Her magnificent phrazing in delivering the lyrics more than made up for her lack of an outstanding singing voice. She also appeared in top notch Warsaw theatrical productions so she was famous and celebrated - from 1925 - 1939.
      Her private life - however - was tragic. Her marriage to a handsome, rich and influential Count Michal Tyszkiewicz was unhappy because his aristocratic family rejected her while she found herself missing her prior professional life and career in Warsaw. She left her castle/residence and went back to Warsaw where her affair with Igo Syms - a dashing, handsome Polish movie star - almost landed her in jail because Syms was arrested as a German spy. 
      Her husband came to her rescue so she didn't go to jail but both her husband and she found themselves in exile because when the Communists grabbed power in Poland after the Second World War ended - the Communist government severely persecuted the aristocracy. She died in Beirut, Lebanon as a result of severe Tuberculosis when she was only forty eight years old.
       It's a good thing that she left a lot of her works for the legions of her fans - sometimes - three generations of families who love her songs. In addition - a lot of new fans get to know her works through Youtube.
      Anyway - all of us will have a very good third week of June 2018 which so far is cool and rainy (beats the heat waves) - in my hilly neighborhood close to New York City. Thanks for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721 and we meet here next week - on the same day!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018

Sunday, June 10, 2018

A Pittsburgh Russian Theater Presents a Special - "Songs from the Popular Soviet and Russian Movies-1930 till Present".

          On Sat. June 09 - 2018 - Anatoly Shvartsman presented a multi-media show - a tribute to the Soviet/Russian songs from the Soviet/Russian movies from - roughly - 1930 till today. The conveniently located venue of a small concert hall at the JCC of Squirrel Hill (an exclusive part of Pittsburgh, Pa.) - actually turned out to be suitable location for this presentation.
         According to our reviews' spirit of keeping our numerous "clickers/readers" attention in focus - we shall follow our popular in Chicago - formula. At first we shall point out some areas in which the show could be improved - then we will "sing the praises" of the numerous, successful parts of the show.
        The whole presentation was a little long which consisted of over two hours with an intermission. An hour and a half with an intermission would be quite enough. In addition - some group numbers were also too long - since they "dragged" - while most other long group numbers were funny and sparkling.
       My favorite piece was a song done professionally by Tatyana Khelemskaya titled "Love is a Magical Country" from the Soviet movie titled "A Cruel Affair." The lyrics strike a strong cord with all the people who experience love - which is at least ninety seven percent of all the humans. The lyrics go something like "Love is a Magical country where everybody is either a traitor or a backstabber - sooner or later". We venture to postulate that the lyricist's - Mr. Ryazanov's love life was not going entirely smoothly. The whole package - however - the lyrics plus the music plus the vocals - all came out - really - top notch. It was a sad song -nevertheless  - which will provoke some pondering on the nature of love - one of the biggest "highs" of human experiences.
        A lot of excellent love songs talk about the "fleeting" nature of love and happiness. A famous, celebrated, beautiful, multi-talented Polish chanteusse - Countess Hanka Ordon-Tyszkiewicz (b. Warsaw 1902 - d. Beirut, Lebanon 1950 - ("Ordonka"as she is affectionately called by millions of Poles - her permanent fans) wrote lyrics to her famous Polish love song from 1929 titled "If You're Fond of My Caresses" - Youtube's presentation of 240252 on June 09 - 2018 - the lyrics say something like "Our lives go like a moment when strongly in love - you will have a few beautiful remembrances - when it's over - always too soon."
        In addition to some sad songs - the Pittsburgh Russian Theater Presentation also offers tons of joyous Russian/Soviet pieces which make one's heart - sing with joy of living. Several folk songs presented - were the so called "chastushkys" which capture the spirit of Russian folk musical expressions - to which the audiences invariably - respond positively - especially people like me who know the rich Russian and Soviet - cultures.
      Mr. Anatoly Shvartsman needs to make a second and a third part to the shows themed - famous songs from famous movies - perhaps an international theme might also be an interesting concept.
   Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Our YT Choice for the Vid of the Wk - Fri. Jun. 08 till Fri. Jun. 15!

        For the next week of June 2018 we picked a video uploaded by ABC News on Jun. 05 - 2012 titled "Robert Kennedy Assassinated". We chose this video becasue this year is 50th anniversary of the assassination of Robert Kennedy, Sr - the brother of John F. Kennedy - ex-President of the U.S. from 1960 till 1963 whose presidency was either worshipped or reviled by the American electorate. 
      There were a lot of books and movies published and released about the Kennedys - people either love them or hate them - in general. I myself - remember - crying all day on June 5 - 1968 because at that time - as a young, idealistic Democrat - I worshipped the Kennedys and their - mostly - Utopian vision for the U.S. 
      However - as I got older and got wiser in terms of going through a lot of important life experiences - mine as well as noting other people's important passages - my politics changed; then after studying various political theories - my political views further evolved. I became affiliated with the Independent Party - and lately - during the last year or so - I vote with the Republicans even if their legislative pieces - frequently - leave a lot to be "desired".
     It needs to be noted that during the last year - the Democrats moved dangerously to the Left/Socialist side which they call "Progressive Politics"; they think that they disguise their desire for Socialism - or so they assume. 
     I along with most American voters - don't trust Socialism which eventually "morphs" into the dreaded and destructive Communist system which - invariably - ruins a lot of rich countries - too many to list.
     At any rate - have a great next week of June 2018 - everybody! We will meet here again next week - same place - same time!
    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024