Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Our YT Choice for the Vid of the Wk - Fri. Jun. 08 till Fri. Jun. 15!

        For the next week of June 2018 we picked a video uploaded by ABC News on Jun. 05 - 2012 titled "Robert Kennedy Assassinated". We chose this video becasue this year is 50th anniversary of the assassination of Robert Kennedy, Sr - the brother of John F. Kennedy - ex-President of the U.S. from 1960 till 1963 whose presidency was either worshipped or reviled by the American electorate. 
      There were a lot of books and movies published and released about the Kennedys - people either love them or hate them - in general. I myself - remember - crying all day on June 5 - 1968 because at that time - as a young, idealistic Democrat - I worshipped the Kennedys and their - mostly - Utopian vision for the U.S. 
      However - as I got older and got wiser in terms of going through a lot of important life experiences - mine as well as noting other people's important passages - my politics changed; then after studying various political theories - my political views further evolved. I became affiliated with the Independent Party - and lately - during the last year or so - I vote with the Republicans even if their legislative pieces - frequently - leave a lot to be "desired".
     It needs to be noted that during the last year - the Democrats moved dangerously to the Left/Socialist side which they call "Progressive Politics"; they think that they disguise their desire for Socialism - or so they assume. 
     I along with most American voters - don't trust Socialism which eventually "morphs" into the dreaded and destructive Communist system which - invariably - ruins a lot of rich countries - too many to list.
     At any rate - have a great next week of June 2018 - everybody! We will meet here again next week - same place - same time!
    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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