Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Our Choice for the YT Vid of the Week for the 1st Wk of July 2018 - Gotcha News Network - "Red Hen Owner who Booted Sarah Sanders Just Got Nasty Taste of Her Own Medicine"!

         For the first week of July 2018 - we picked a funny video uploaded on Jun. 27-2018 by an undisclosed lady with a magnificent voice who goes by the YT nickname of Gotcha Network News. She - astutely - keeps her real name discreetly hidden because according to her true statement - "the irrational hordes of extreme Leftists/Liberals behave in an increasingly crazy manner". Last week Maxine Waters - an old, loud mouthed, extremely Leftist rep. from Los Angeles, Ca. district - urged the "harrassment of Trump supporters" bordering on - barely stopping short - urging the violence against the Trump supporters.
     The video which we are highlighting - mentioned above - deals with the extreme Leftist owner of a restaurant franchise "Red Hen" who not only refused service to Sarah Huckabee Sanders - Pres. Trump's Press Secretary - but she proceeded to follow and harrass Sarah and her family into the other restaurant to which they went. The rightfully outraged reaction to this kind of truly Fascist, unlawful tactics - put a well deserved pressure on the Leftist "Red Hen" franchise owner.
       In any event - we know that all of us - fair, just and good people will have a great first week of July 2018 with the 4th of July coming up which is always a lot of fun. Keep your fireworks safe and away from "spooked up" domestic animals! As always thanks whole bunch for clicking our YT channel tango3721! We shall meet again next week - at the same place!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018  

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