Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Our Choice of the YT Vid of the Wk for the Third Wk of Jun. 2018 - "Polish Tango Argentino - My Precious (Mily) Ordonowna - Chor Dana - 1929".

      For the third week of June 2018 we chose for our Video of the Week - a lovely Tango uploaded onto a YT platform by Dr. 240252 on Aug. 19 - 2010 titled "Polish Tango Argentino - My Precious (Mily) - Ordonowna - Chor Dana - 1929".
     Hanka Ordon-Tyszkiewicz a multi-talented, beautiful Polish movie star, singer, dancer, lyricist was born in Warsaw 1902 and died in Beirut, Lebanon in 1950. Her career was wildly successful - in Polish movies, producing hit records to which she frequently wrote the lyrics in addition to singing. Her magnificent phrazing in delivering the lyrics more than made up for her lack of an outstanding singing voice. She also appeared in top notch Warsaw theatrical productions so she was famous and celebrated - from 1925 - 1939.
      Her private life - however - was tragic. Her marriage to a handsome, rich and influential Count Michal Tyszkiewicz was unhappy because his aristocratic family rejected her while she found herself missing her prior professional life and career in Warsaw. She left her castle/residence and went back to Warsaw where her affair with Igo Syms - a dashing, handsome Polish movie star - almost landed her in jail because Syms was arrested as a German spy. 
      Her husband came to her rescue so she didn't go to jail but both her husband and she found themselves in exile because when the Communists grabbed power in Poland after the Second World War ended - the Communist government severely persecuted the aristocracy. She died in Beirut, Lebanon as a result of severe Tuberculosis when she was only forty eight years old.
       It's a good thing that she left a lot of her works for the legions of her fans - sometimes - three generations of families who love her songs. In addition - a lot of new fans get to know her works through Youtube.
      Anyway - all of us will have a very good third week of June 2018 which so far is cool and rainy (beats the heat waves) - in my hilly neighborhood close to New York City. Thanks for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721 and we meet here next week - on the same day!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018

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