Monday, July 27, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 31 - 2020 till Fri. Aug. 07 - 2020!

            For this hot - first week of Aug. 2020 - we choose to comment upon a funny video uploaded by a satirical YouTube website - "The United Spot" on Jul. 26 - 2020 - titled "Vote for Joe or You Ain't". The video is about a minute long - it pictures Joe Biden with African American hair style - corn rows - generously adorning his gray hair with the voice remarkably resembling that of Biden - doing a hilarious rap tune - essentially pandering to the Blacks and crawling on his belly - for the African American votes. The video quickly generated twenty thousand viewers' clicks - with the viewers' comments running totally against Mr. Biden - as the viewers ridicule him - galore. One viewer suggests decorative, gold teeth used as a jewelry by many African American celebrities. 
        Yes, folks - the mental dementia as - currently - demonstrated by Mr. Biden on many documented occasions - does not help him to seek the highest office in the land in the U.S. - where one has to be extremely sharp mentally and "think quickly one one's feet" to prevent a possibility of a global crisis in this age of instant communications. 
       Mr. Biden - an ex-vice President who was in power for 8 years with Mr. Obama - an ex-president - during which both of them did a lot to divide the U.S. - according to many political observers - but - at least - at that time Mr. Biden - had most of his faculties - somewhat intact - in spite of him being an old "political hacks" - forty years in the U.S. government. Now - however - Mr. Biden clearly shows many signs of dementia and he can't even read his teleprompter - on many well documented occasions.
       At any rate - everybody will have a super good first week of August 2020 and we shall meet a week from today - same channel - same time - same place!

      Copyright@ L. Hadley and Associates 2020

Monday, July 20, 2020

Our Choice of Commentary of the Week - Fri. Jul. 24 - 2020 through Fri. Jul. 31 - 2020!

             During this - still hot but not overly humid and unbearable - last week of Jul. 2020 we choose to comment on the Pittsburgh's oldest talk and news radio station - KDKA. It employs various radio talk show hosts with a diverse political persuasions. Our favorite is Rob Pratte - who is moderate, erudite - fair but decisive.
      This morning - Mon. Jul. 20 - 2020 - he asked the callers to express their views about the upcoming presidential elections - Nov. 2020. The almost even amount of callers expressed their either negative or positive views re: Pres. Trump (a couple more were in favor of Pres. Trump) - which is indicative of the division of the American electorate. 
      However - upon the mistaken assertion by one of the pro-Biden callers re: Biden's alleged ability to "unify" the U.S. - another caller reminded the listening audience that ex-Pres. Obama with ex-vice Pres. Biden - had eight years in power - during which they - definitely - far from "unifying" the U.S. - instituted the largest divisions of the U.S. electorate - according to many political observers.
      In any event - everybody will have a super good last week of July 2020 and we shall meet a week from today - same channel - same place - same time!
      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 24 -2020 through Fri. Jul. 31 - 2020!

            For the last week of Jul. 2020 - we will comment on the radio morning talk show broadcasted on the Pittsburgh's oldest talk and news - radio station - KDKA. One of the hosts - Rob Pratte is not only enormously engaging and erudite - but he also has a gift of common sense as he talks to the callers with various degrees of anger - at times.
        This morning - Jul. 20 - 2020 - Monday - Mr. Pratte asked the Pittsburgh callers about their opinion about the upcoming presidential elections - Nov. 03 - 2020. For the allegedly - Biden's - Pittsburgh's market - the number of callers almost was evenly divided - with a couple of more callers arguing in favor of Pres. Trump's policies. However - the most idiotic argument re: Mr. Biden's - unifying the U.S. - potential - should he win the elections - was answered by a caller who reminded the audience that for the previous 8 years when Mr. Biden and Mr. Obama were in power - they did absolutely nothing to unify the U.S. - on the contrary - they deepened the divisions.
       In any event - everybody should have a good last week of July 2020! We shall meet again a week from today - same place - same channel - same time!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Monday, July 6, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 10 - 2020 till Fri. Jul. 17 - 2020!

        During this very hot second week of Jul. 2020 - we choose to comment on the video posted onto YouTube platform by a political YouTube website "Let's Be Frank" - on Jul. 06 - 2020 - titled "Chicago Mayor Destroyed by Kayleigh McEnany - Again". As we mentioned before - the host of this popular website - an early middle aged, attractive Latin guy named Frank - delivers his commentaries in a professional manner - most of the time - however - he likes the close ups of his face while his lower teeth are uneven. One viewer commented last year that Frank needs "some serious dental work on his lower teeth if he likes the close ups of his face."
      At any rate - back to this video of which the title explains sufficiently its contents since the last weekend - the Fourth of July 2020 was deadly in Chicago and other American cities run by the Leftist/Democrat mayors - largely due to the urge by a lot of those Democrat mayors - "to defund the police". Lori Lightfoot - the first openly Lesbian Leftist/Democrat mayor of Chicago found herself with "an egg on her face" after her urgent calls to "defund the Chicago police" - caused a sudden spike in the already high - Chicago crime rate which literally - "went through the roof" during the last hot - July 4th 2020 - weekend.
     In any event - everybody will have a super good second week of July 2020 and we shall meet a week from today - same place - same time - same channel.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024