Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 24 -2020 through Fri. Jul. 31 - 2020!

            For the last week of Jul. 2020 - we will comment on the radio morning talk show broadcasted on the Pittsburgh's oldest talk and news - radio station - KDKA. One of the hosts - Rob Pratte is not only enormously engaging and erudite - but he also has a gift of common sense as he talks to the callers with various degrees of anger - at times.
        This morning - Jul. 20 - 2020 - Monday - Mr. Pratte asked the Pittsburgh callers about their opinion about the upcoming presidential elections - Nov. 03 - 2020. For the allegedly - Biden's - Pittsburgh's market - the number of callers almost was evenly divided - with a couple of more callers arguing in favor of Pres. Trump's policies. However - the most idiotic argument re: Mr. Biden's - unifying the U.S. - potential - should he win the elections - was answered by a caller who reminded the audience that for the previous 8 years when Mr. Biden and Mr. Obama were in power - they did absolutely nothing to unify the U.S. - on the contrary - they deepened the divisions.
       In any event - everybody should have a good last week of July 2020! We shall meet again a week from today - same place - same channel - same time!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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