Monday, July 27, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 31 - 2020 till Fri. Aug. 07 - 2020!

            For this hot - first week of Aug. 2020 - we choose to comment upon a funny video uploaded by a satirical YouTube website - "The United Spot" on Jul. 26 - 2020 - titled "Vote for Joe or You Ain't". The video is about a minute long - it pictures Joe Biden with African American hair style - corn rows - generously adorning his gray hair with the voice remarkably resembling that of Biden - doing a hilarious rap tune - essentially pandering to the Blacks and crawling on his belly - for the African American votes. The video quickly generated twenty thousand viewers' clicks - with the viewers' comments running totally against Mr. Biden - as the viewers ridicule him - galore. One viewer suggests decorative, gold teeth used as a jewelry by many African American celebrities. 
        Yes, folks - the mental dementia as - currently - demonstrated by Mr. Biden on many documented occasions - does not help him to seek the highest office in the land in the U.S. - where one has to be extremely sharp mentally and "think quickly one one's feet" to prevent a possibility of a global crisis in this age of instant communications. 
       Mr. Biden - an ex-vice President who was in power for 8 years with Mr. Obama - an ex-president - during which both of them did a lot to divide the U.S. - according to many political observers - but - at least - at that time Mr. Biden - had most of his faculties - somewhat intact - in spite of him being an old "political hacks" - forty years in the U.S. government. Now - however - Mr. Biden clearly shows many signs of dementia and he can't even read his teleprompter - on many well documented occasions.
       At any rate - everybody will have a super good first week of August 2020 and we shall meet a week from today - same channel - same time - same place!

      Copyright@ L. Hadley and Associates 2020

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