Monday, July 20, 2020

Our Choice of Commentary of the Week - Fri. Jul. 24 - 2020 through Fri. Jul. 31 - 2020!

             During this - still hot but not overly humid and unbearable - last week of Jul. 2020 we choose to comment on the Pittsburgh's oldest talk and news radio station - KDKA. It employs various radio talk show hosts with a diverse political persuasions. Our favorite is Rob Pratte - who is moderate, erudite - fair but decisive.
      This morning - Mon. Jul. 20 - 2020 - he asked the callers to express their views about the upcoming presidential elections - Nov. 2020. The almost even amount of callers expressed their either negative or positive views re: Pres. Trump (a couple more were in favor of Pres. Trump) - which is indicative of the division of the American electorate. 
      However - upon the mistaken assertion by one of the pro-Biden callers re: Biden's alleged ability to "unify" the U.S. - another caller reminded the listening audience that ex-Pres. Obama with ex-vice Pres. Biden - had eight years in power - during which they - definitely - far from "unifying" the U.S. - instituted the largest divisions of the U.S. electorate - according to many political observers.
      In any event - everybody will have a super good last week of July 2020 and we shall meet a week from today - same channel - same place - same time!
      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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