Friday, January 28, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Feb. 04th - 2022 till Fri. Feb. 11th - 2022!

            For this cold week of Feb. 2022 - we will comment on the "Washington Week in Review" broadcasted on Fri. Feb. 21 - 2022. It was led by Yamiche Alcindor - who didn't quite make it to NBC. Anyway - Kristen Welker - a big star from NBC was posturing - big time. According to the current "pecking order" - the NBC correspondents like Kristen Welker have a higher standing in the aforementioned "pecking order" than MSNBC news outfit (a little news "sister" of NBC) - which just hired Symone Sanders - a big boned Leftist with the back shoulders - huge and wide. They should not take a back camera shot - showing her gigantic shoulder blades.

       Not to get personal or anything like that - Symone Sanders needs a wig which could make her appearance on camera - passable. As it stands now - her hair is cropped extremely short - into a hardly visible haircut. Combine that with big lips, bright lipstick and phony looking - artificial eye lashes - with the end results - not favorable at all. The other Leftist who sports similar closely shaved head - look - is Aryanna Presley - a new Democratic/Leftist/Progressive - the U.S - congressional representative from Massachusetts - the district which was represented by an ex-President John Kennedy who would - by the way - "spin" in his grave - if he witnessed the new Democratic party's - recent "swing" towards the political - Hard Left.

      In any event - we will watch another segment of "Washington Week in Review" tonight and you will get a report next week! In the interim - everybody will have a super good new week and we shall meet again - next week - same time - same place!

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 28th - 2022 through Fri. Feb. 04 - 2022!

           For this extremely cold week in our hilly Pittsburgh - we will comment on another segment of NPR's Leftist "child" - "Washington Week in Review" broadcast - presented on Fri. Jan. 21 - 2022 - in which Yamiche Alcindor - was back as a moderator - after they announced a few weeks ago - that she was leaving NPR for good to take a position with NBC. Evidently NBC decides that it has enough Leftists as is and decides not to add another one to their impressive "collection". 

        Not to get personal - or anything like that - but Yamiche Alcindor - finally started to wear dark attire when she appears on camera - which she needs to do - due to her excessive weight. It needs to be noted that a year or so - ago - she appeared on camera several times - looking like an overweight ghost - with no make-up at all. If a white, overweight reporter did that they would be fired, out on their rear end in no time.

       Anyway - back to Fri. Jan. 21st - 2022 - "Washington Week in Review" during which the Leftist Washington, D.C.  commentators - were twisting themselves into a "pretzel" - discussing the numerous failures of Pres. Biden's administration. Washington, D.C. is full to the rim with the Liberal/Leftists leaning pundits - who are on the verge of being full blown - Socialists. The rest of the country - the U.S. population - however - not only dislikes those types - but they don't trust them as well.

     At any rate - everybody will have a good week and we shall meet here - next week - same time - same place!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 21st - 2022 through Fri. Jan. 28th - 2022!

             For this - "snowstorm" threatening week of January 2022 - we will comment upon the Fri. Jan. 14th - 2022 - broadcast of the NPR's (allegedly - impartial news outfit's) - weekly segment of "Washington Week in Review" - normally led by Yamiche Alcindor - a heavy set - African American Leftist/Progressive. The aforementioned Alcindor - reportedly - has left NPR to take a position with NBC. So far - she hasn't been visible at NBC. 

       Anyway - Amna Navaz - another NPR correspondent - A Latin looking Leftist - appears to have taken the position left by Yamiche Alcindor as a leader of weekly broadcast of "Washington Week in Review". Last Fri. 14th of Jan. 2022 - was Navaz's "opening salvo" as she led a group of Leftist/Socialist biased Washington, D.C. - "talking heads" - in presenting their entirely Leftist versions of commentaries on Jan. 06 - 2021 - Riots. To Navaz's small credit - however - she did allow - the opposing view - news clip; at the very end of "The Washington Week in Review" - Kevin McCarthy - the highest Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives - weighted in - by calling the Democrat's Commision on Jan. 06 - 2021 riots - "a politically motivated, biased body full of politically motivated lies and distortions".         It needs to be noted - though - that the Leftist journalists like Navaz and Alcindor - do not want to allow the opposing view to air - thus if they can get away - they would rather not present it. It's a duty of everybody - to pressure the Leftists - to always present the opposing view.

     At any rate - everybody will have a very good new week and we shall meet here - as always - next week - same channel - same time!

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022

Friday, January 7, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 14th - 2022 till Fri. Jan. 21 - 2022!

            For this snowy and blustery week blowing winter wind in our hilly turf - we will comment onto the satirical video posted onto the YouTube platform on Jan. 06 - 2022 - titled "Little Red 'Lying' Hood in Rare Form Today - Defending Biden's Covid Testing Kit Failure". It shows Pres. Biden's press secretary - Jan Psaki - clad into the Little Red Riding Hood's costume of red color the color of Psaki's hair. The clip is a little over 2 minutes long and was posted by "Ovation Eddie 2" - website. It quickly generated over 2 thousand viewers' clicks with their comments under the video - making fun of Pres. Biden's - Covid 19 - "preventative" measures which are - according to the video - colossal failures; those conclusions are based on most recent NBC network's - news clips. 

       The aforementioned NBC network is - supposedly - friendly - towards Pres. Biden's administration. Still - they have to reports the big facts - since they can't "lie" for their political friends even if they want to do so. Little political lies - here and there - might go unnoticed; but everybody who has some brain between their ears knows that the Mainstream Media - "carries the water" for the U.S. Socialists/Leftists; still the major political facts - have to be reported. Thank God for small favors.

      To wit - "Ovation Eddie 2" YouTube platform has about 17 thousand subscribers - however - "Ovation Eddie" - the original website - had much higher number of subscribers last year - over half a million - approximately. YouTube took him "off-line" for some flimsy reason. It's a good thing that he is back on YouTube. His platform is growing.

      At any rate - everybody will have a good week - as every week. We shall meet here a week from today - same time - same place - same channel!

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 07th - 2022 till Fri. Jan. 14th - 2022!

            For this early January 2022 week - we will comment - again - upon a YouTube host - Salty Cracker who just posted 9 minutes long clip (funny as hell) onto his YouTube platform on Jan. 01 - 2022. We mentioned before that Salty Cracker - who is a ruggedly handsome (we think) YouTube host in his middle thirties - uses a lot of profanities but he is hilarious. 

        His YouTube platform has about 700 hundred thousand subscribers - close to a million - that is - thus - he is well established. Still - it's smart of him to have a "back up" website on Rumble platform where he has at least a couple hundred thousand subscribers - the last we checked. The video - we are commenting on - quickly generated 60 thousand viewers' clicks with their comments - mostly - extremely critical of AOC's Marxist politics - Alexandria Occasio-Cortes - U.S. Congressional representative - represents the 14th U.S. Congressional district - Bronx - New York City.

         The title of this video is "AOC Tries to Sex Shame Conservatives After Caught Vacationing in Florida". Alexandria Occasio-Cortes (AOC) who represents her 14 U.S. Congressional District - Bronx - New York City - is a young, admitted Marxist U.S. politician; she was recently caught vacationing in Florida just after she severely criticized the state of Florida and their popular governor - Ron DeSantis. 

        Needless to say - the Floridians didn't give her any sort of "red carpet and orchestra" reception of any kind - on the contrary - she was cursed out a lot by the Floridians and other U.S. people who dislike her. She is either loved or hated - there is a - rarely - a middle ground - as far as she and her Marxist politics are concerned.

       It needs to be noted that the taxpayers who are supposed to pay for the aforementioned "freebies" - are running out of her Congressional district - like the proverbial "Texans out of Hell". Not to exaggerate or anything like that.

      In any event - everybody will have a very good week and we will meet again - as every week - right here - same channel - same time.

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022