Friday, January 7, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 14th - 2022 till Fri. Jan. 21 - 2022!

            For this snowy and blustery week blowing winter wind in our hilly turf - we will comment onto the satirical video posted onto the YouTube platform on Jan. 06 - 2022 - titled "Little Red 'Lying' Hood in Rare Form Today - Defending Biden's Covid Testing Kit Failure". It shows Pres. Biden's press secretary - Jan Psaki - clad into the Little Red Riding Hood's costume of red color the color of Psaki's hair. The clip is a little over 2 minutes long and was posted by "Ovation Eddie 2" - website. It quickly generated over 2 thousand viewers' clicks with their comments under the video - making fun of Pres. Biden's - Covid 19 - "preventative" measures which are - according to the video - colossal failures; those conclusions are based on most recent NBC network's - news clips. 

       The aforementioned NBC network is - supposedly - friendly - towards Pres. Biden's administration. Still - they have to reports the big facts - since they can't "lie" for their political friends even if they want to do so. Little political lies - here and there - might go unnoticed; but everybody who has some brain between their ears knows that the Mainstream Media - "carries the water" for the U.S. Socialists/Leftists; still the major political facts - have to be reported. Thank God for small favors.

      To wit - "Ovation Eddie 2" YouTube platform has about 17 thousand subscribers - however - "Ovation Eddie" - the original website - had much higher number of subscribers last year - over half a million - approximately. YouTube took him "off-line" for some flimsy reason. It's a good thing that he is back on YouTube. His platform is growing.

      At any rate - everybody will have a good week - as every week. We shall meet here a week from today - same time - same place - same channel!

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022

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