Saturday, January 22, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 28th - 2022 through Fri. Feb. 04 - 2022!

           For this extremely cold week in our hilly Pittsburgh - we will comment on another segment of NPR's Leftist "child" - "Washington Week in Review" broadcast - presented on Fri. Jan. 21 - 2022 - in which Yamiche Alcindor - was back as a moderator - after they announced a few weeks ago - that she was leaving NPR for good to take a position with NBC. Evidently NBC decides that it has enough Leftists as is and decides not to add another one to their impressive "collection". 

        Not to get personal - or anything like that - but Yamiche Alcindor - finally started to wear dark attire when she appears on camera - which she needs to do - due to her excessive weight. It needs to be noted that a year or so - ago - she appeared on camera several times - looking like an overweight ghost - with no make-up at all. If a white, overweight reporter did that they would be fired, out on their rear end in no time.

       Anyway - back to Fri. Jan. 21st - 2022 - "Washington Week in Review" during which the Leftist Washington, D.C.  commentators - were twisting themselves into a "pretzel" - discussing the numerous failures of Pres. Biden's administration. Washington, D.C. is full to the rim with the Liberal/Leftists leaning pundits - who are on the verge of being full blown - Socialists. The rest of the country - the U.S. population - however - not only dislikes those types - but they don't trust them as well.

     At any rate - everybody will have a good week and we shall meet here - next week - same time - same place!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022

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