Saturday, January 15, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 21st - 2022 through Fri. Jan. 28th - 2022!

             For this - "snowstorm" threatening week of January 2022 - we will comment upon the Fri. Jan. 14th - 2022 - broadcast of the NPR's (allegedly - impartial news outfit's) - weekly segment of "Washington Week in Review" - normally led by Yamiche Alcindor - a heavy set - African American Leftist/Progressive. The aforementioned Alcindor - reportedly - has left NPR to take a position with NBC. So far - she hasn't been visible at NBC. 

       Anyway - Amna Navaz - another NPR correspondent - A Latin looking Leftist - appears to have taken the position left by Yamiche Alcindor as a leader of weekly broadcast of "Washington Week in Review". Last Fri. 14th of Jan. 2022 - was Navaz's "opening salvo" as she led a group of Leftist/Socialist biased Washington, D.C. - "talking heads" - in presenting their entirely Leftist versions of commentaries on Jan. 06 - 2021 - Riots. To Navaz's small credit - however - she did allow - the opposing view - news clip; at the very end of "The Washington Week in Review" - Kevin McCarthy - the highest Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives - weighted in - by calling the Democrat's Commision on Jan. 06 - 2021 riots - "a politically motivated, biased body full of politically motivated lies and distortions".         It needs to be noted - though - that the Leftist journalists like Navaz and Alcindor - do not want to allow the opposing view to air - thus if they can get away - they would rather not present it. It's a duty of everybody - to pressure the Leftists - to always present the opposing view.

     At any rate - everybody will have a very good new week and we shall meet here - as always - next week - same channel - same time!

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022

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