Friday, December 29, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 29 - 2023 through Fri. Jan. 05 - 2024! The First Commentary of the Week for 2024!

            For this cold, windy last week of 2023 - we shall comment on the "double entendre" literary device. It's widely used by most writers and commentators of political ambitions, but it's has - also - been utilized by the political oppositions in various - politically stifling regimes of various sorts. 

      The "double entendre" literary device has been favorite - as well - with the famous writers of children fables on the order of French - LaFontaine and Russian writer - Lomonosov. They use various animal images which resemble the human beings. It's called the "allegory".

     It needs to be noted - however - that many political cartoonists - also - almost always - use the aforementioned - device. 

    The funny political cartoon which we recently - used - will apply to the recent local elections in which the Progressive/Socialist faction of the Democratic party - has won some political positions which will affect the whole state. Little do they know that in order to be an effective, elective representative - they will have to "ease up" quite a bit on their Utopian/Socialistic - goals. The aforementioned objectives which involve forcing the changes to the social structures - frequently lead to drastic results of many kinds. 

     At any rate - to refresh your memory - the political cartoon which we - recently - utilized - showed three little pigs - shivering through their fat butts - (they represent the U.S. Socialist leaning factions) - while a huge, ugly wolf keeps violently shaking Grandma's hut - representing the U.S; with the vicious wolf portraying Socialism. The caption reads - "Be Careful What You Wish for".

     It must be a coincidence that the cartoonist made the three, fat little pigs - resembling the newly elected - local - Progressive/Socialist - political neophytes.

     In any event - everybody will have a good, healthy Happy New Year 2024 - which all of us will celebrate in a responsible manner! We shall meet here a week from today - next year!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023/2024

Friday, December 22, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 22 - 2023 through Fri. Dec. 29 - 2023 - The Christmas 2023 Week!

       For this - unusually warm - Christmas 2023 - week - we shall comment on the "office Christmas parties - tradition". Not to be overly critical or anything like that - but this tradition needs to disappear. While there is nothing wrong in celebrating the season - getting gifts, bonuses and gathering with old friends and the family - the "office parties" are - usually - a disgusting phenomenon with people drinking - way too much - and making idiots out of themselves in many different ways.

      During the 80's the ice dancing champions from Great Britain - the team of Torvill and Dean won a gold medal in ice dancing during the winter Olympics in Sarajevo in 1984 for their superior skills - however - there was a shadow connected with their triumphs. They did an idiotic routine in which both of them "died" on ice. Quite a few imitators also started "dying on ice". 

      Lo and behold - some critics began pointing out that "all this 'dying' on ice is disgusting". Shortly after that - the ice dancers stopped "dying on ice" -  thus "death on ice became eliminated". Death on ice - as a dance routine - was dead.

     We would welcome the tradition of rowdy Christmas office parties - also - to be eliminated to a great extent; many times, during the aforementioned office parties - people/co-workers who - usually - have too much to drink - say things about other people - their co-workers or bosses - which nobody needs to know or care to find out.

      At any rate - Merry Christmas - Happy Hanukkah - Happy Holiday Season 2023/2024 - to all!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Friday, December 15, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 15 - 2023 through Fri. Dec. 22 - 2023!

                  For this "Holiday Season 2023/2024 is here" - week of December 2023 - we shall comment onto a recent hearing held by the U.S. House of Representatives - during which the presidents of the three prestigious U.S. universities were questioned about the rampant anti-Semitism taking place - on a lot of the U.S. universities' - campuses - which came to light due to the recent Israeli war with the terroristic organization - Hamas.

         The three women - the top U.S. universities' - presidents - all "wafted" and made themselves look - openly - inept - in running the top U.S. institutions of higher learning - in front of the whole U.S. and abroad - pursuant to the direct, on target - questioning directed at them by a capable Elise Stefanik - a U.S. congressional representative from the state of New York state's - 21st congressional district.

         She questioned the presidents of MIT, Harvard and UPenn - some of the most prestigious U.S. universities - about the anti-Semitism on their respective universities' campuses - subsequent to which - as we mentioned above - it was obvious to the whole U.S. and abroad - that the aforementioned U.S. universities - the U.S. institutions of higher learning - do not go after the anti-Semites - to defend the Jewish minority students - the way they defend the rights of the African American students and other minorities - thus - again - it merits repeating that they don't protect the rights of the Jewish students minority - the way they protect the rights of the Black students or the rights of other minority students.

        The announcer of the local talk radio station stated that if the word "Jewish students" was substituted by "Black students" - all those university presidents would be fired in a "split second". Moreover - the local media outlets - do not report on the lawsuit filed in court - very recently - alleging the anti-Semitic discrimination against the Jewish student which took place on the campus of a well-known, prestigious, local university - the reporting of which would go against the Leftist slanted narrative of most the U.S media outlets.

        At any rate - everybody will have a good, new - Holidays 2023/2024 - week - and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 08 till Fri. Dec. 15 - 2023 - Part II - Conclusion.

                   Our disclaimer is in place like every time we publish - Any similarity to real people or circumstances are purely - coincidental.

          We shall finish our fairy tale which we started in our previous edition of our popular feature - Commentary of the Week.

          To refresh your memory - the children in Eastern Europe are told of the legend - according to which all the animals on Earth speak in the human voices for only one night of the year. It happens from the sundown on Christmas Eve and it ends when the sun rises on the Christmas Day. 

          In the last segment - an ugly, mean and poisonous Black Mamba female snake slithered down to the river region of New Orleans - by Manchac Swamp - full of alligators and snakes - so she could talk some business with her friend - the Albino alligator. In a nutshell - she suggested that they form a trial, inter-species partnership whereby she would ride on his head and spit venom at their enemies - since spewing venom - is her specialty.

          He agreed - albeit - reluctantly; so, she - situated herself on the top if his head, got reared up and was ready to spew. Then they laughed together a creepy laugh - their trademark.

         "Don't just spit venom - at anybody," said Albino alligator.

         "I will spit at anything I want," the Black Mamba was defiant, vicous and confident - the main traits of her character.

         Thus, the Albino alligator and Black Mamba got totally distracted with their vigorous argument which ensued - suddenly.

         In the interim - the two hunters came up from behind on their boat with their rifles - ready to fire their bulls' eyes - shots.

         It's a shame that their partnership was short lived but - on the bright side of this tale - the hunters got paid for the alligator and for the Mamba - skins.

        Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023


Monday, December 4, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 08 - 2023 till Fri. Dec. 15 - 2023! Part II - Christmas/New Year's Holiday Season - 2023/2024!

                  Allegorical Children's Tale which Can be Applied to Politics and Many Other Situations.

        Our disclaimer is always in place - that any similarity to real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental.

        Since it's the Holidays' 2023/2024 - Season - we shall keep our Commentaries in a seasonal mode for a while. According to Eastern European Christmas myths for children - all the animals on earth speak in human voices - but only for one night of the year - and it happens during the whole night preceding the first Christmas Day - thus - it starts at the sundown of Christmas Eve - and it lasts only until the following sunrise. When the day comes up on the first Christmas Day - they can't do this anymore. It's not that the aforementioned tale was ever "scientifically" examined - but the children's tales have a lot of the elements of that sort.

        Thus, the Black Mamba female snake - the most venomous, deadly and - obnoxious - slithered down to the banks of Louisiana's Manchac Swamp - close to New Orleans - and called her friend the Albino alligator - to come out to the shore which he did. Pursuant to her explaining that she would like to enter in a trial partnership of sorts with him - so she could ride on his head for a while - to protect him - he finally - reluctantly - agreed even though - at first - he was hesitant to enter into any sort of inter-species - partnerships. 

       But then - he thought that it couldn't hurt to have some kind of protection since being an Albino - he realized that he "stood out like a turd in a punch bowl" - to other alligators - which he knew - were stronger, bigger and longer - than him; it's not that we use any crude language or anything like that.

       In any event - we shall continue this tale - in a few days.

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023


Friday, December 1, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 08 - 2023 - through Fri. Dec. 15 - 2023!

          Our disclaimer states that - any similarity to real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental.

        For this Holiday Season's 2023/2024 - 2nd week - we shall comment upon a wide variety of anti-Semitic, anti-Israel - propaganda/hate - sloganeers - flooding many of the social media platforms as well as talk radio - platforms - who entertain the anti-Semitic talk radio hosts that strongly attract the Israel and Jews-hating - callers who are - usually - of Leftist/Progressive - political persuasion. 

       The one - here - locally - always says the same propagandistic, hateful stuff - each time he is on the air - thus he simply "crams all that hostility - down the throats of most listeners" - as if it's "going out of style". Moreover - he repeats the same stuff - each time he gets a mike. We would like to have as many dollars as many times he boasted on the air about "his brother - the general"; everybody registers that info after the first 50 times - so there is no need to repeat it - ad infinitum. 

       Before this latest Oct. 07 - 2023 - Hamas' attack on Israel - the numerous U.S and global - anti-Semites - who want to destroy Israel - would come out - with their hateful slogans - mostly - in the middle of the night - like cockroaches going after the scraps of food left on the kitchen table; now - however - they're all are out in the open. That may not be the worst of the possibilities - since now - at least - everybody knows exactly - "where they stand".

      All those anti-Semitic activities - came to light - as a result of the latest Middle East armed conflict - pursuant to the terroristic faction's - Hamas's - barbaric slaughter of - mostly civilian Israeli population (est. 1400 - in one day) - living on the border of Gaza strip - on Oct. 07 - 2023.         

      It needs to be noted - however - that Gaza strip's considerable part of the voters - voted Hamas into power in 2005 - subsequent to which - there were no more elections - which is typical of Socialist/Leftist style - repressive regimes. 

      In any event - the aforementioned voters who voted Hamas terrorists in - might have some "strong second thoughts" about their voting choices. 

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023