Friday, December 22, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 22 - 2023 through Fri. Dec. 29 - 2023 - The Christmas 2023 Week!

       For this - unusually warm - Christmas 2023 - week - we shall comment on the "office Christmas parties - tradition". Not to be overly critical or anything like that - but this tradition needs to disappear. While there is nothing wrong in celebrating the season - getting gifts, bonuses and gathering with old friends and the family - the "office parties" are - usually - a disgusting phenomenon with people drinking - way too much - and making idiots out of themselves in many different ways.

      During the 80's the ice dancing champions from Great Britain - the team of Torvill and Dean won a gold medal in ice dancing during the winter Olympics in Sarajevo in 1984 for their superior skills - however - there was a shadow connected with their triumphs. They did an idiotic routine in which both of them "died" on ice. Quite a few imitators also started "dying on ice". 

      Lo and behold - some critics began pointing out that "all this 'dying' on ice is disgusting". Shortly after that - the ice dancers stopped "dying on ice" -  thus "death on ice became eliminated". Death on ice - as a dance routine - was dead.

     We would welcome the tradition of rowdy Christmas office parties - also - to be eliminated to a great extent; many times, during the aforementioned office parties - people/co-workers who - usually - have too much to drink - say things about other people - their co-workers or bosses - which nobody needs to know or care to find out.

      At any rate - Merry Christmas - Happy Hanukkah - Happy Holiday Season 2023/2024 - to all!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

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