Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 08 till Fri. Dec. 15 - 2023 - Part II - Conclusion.

                   Our disclaimer is in place like every time we publish - Any similarity to real people or circumstances are purely - coincidental.

          We shall finish our fairy tale which we started in our previous edition of our popular feature - Commentary of the Week.

          To refresh your memory - the children in Eastern Europe are told of the legend - according to which all the animals on Earth speak in the human voices for only one night of the year. It happens from the sundown on Christmas Eve and it ends when the sun rises on the Christmas Day. 

          In the last segment - an ugly, mean and poisonous Black Mamba female snake slithered down to the river region of New Orleans - by Manchac Swamp - full of alligators and snakes - so she could talk some business with her friend - the Albino alligator. In a nutshell - she suggested that they form a trial, inter-species partnership whereby she would ride on his head and spit venom at their enemies - since spewing venom - is her specialty.

          He agreed - albeit - reluctantly; so, she - situated herself on the top if his head, got reared up and was ready to spew. Then they laughed together a creepy laugh - their trademark.

         "Don't just spit venom - at anybody," said Albino alligator.

         "I will spit at anything I want," the Black Mamba was defiant, vicous and confident - the main traits of her character.

         Thus, the Albino alligator and Black Mamba got totally distracted with their vigorous argument which ensued - suddenly.

         In the interim - the two hunters came up from behind on their boat with their rifles - ready to fire their bulls' eyes - shots.

         It's a shame that their partnership was short lived but - on the bright side of this tale - the hunters got paid for the alligator and for the Mamba - skins.

        Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023


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