For this cold, windy last week of 2023 - we shall comment on the "double entendre" literary device. It's widely used by most writers and commentators of political ambitions, but it's has - also - been utilized by the political oppositions in various - politically stifling regimes of various sorts.
The "double entendre" literary device has been favorite - as well - with the famous writers of children fables on the order of French - LaFontaine and Russian writer - Lomonosov. They use various animal images which resemble the human beings. It's called the "allegory".
It needs to be noted - however - that many political cartoonists - also - almost always - use the aforementioned - device.
The funny political cartoon which we recently - used - will apply to the recent local elections in which the Progressive/Socialist faction of the Democratic party - has won some political positions which will affect the whole state. Little do they know that in order to be an effective, elective representative - they will have to "ease up" quite a bit on their Utopian/Socialistic - goals. The aforementioned objectives which involve forcing the changes to the social structures - frequently lead to drastic results of many kinds.
At any rate - to refresh your memory - the political cartoon which we - recently - utilized - showed three little pigs - shivering through their fat butts - (they represent the U.S. Socialist leaning factions) - while a huge, ugly wolf keeps violently shaking Grandma's hut - representing the U.S; with the vicious wolf portraying Socialism. The caption reads - "Be Careful What You Wish for".
It must be a coincidence that the cartoonist made the three, fat little pigs - resembling the newly elected - local - Progressive/Socialist - political neophytes.
In any event - everybody will have a good, healthy Happy New Year 2024 - which all of us will celebrate in a responsible manner! We shall meet here a week from today - next year!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023/2024
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