Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Our Choice of the Vid of the Wk for the Wk. Nov.02 through Nov.09 - 2018!

         For the first week of Nov. 2018 we chose a video uploaded by Washington Free Beacon on Oct. 31 - 2018 - titled "Warren Caught off Guard When Opponent Brings up Ethics Complaint on Her Fundraising".
         The famous representative of the hard Left faction of the U.S. Democrats - the Senator from Massachusetts - Elizabeth Warren - recently made a big "splash" with her DNA analysis attesting to the fact that she is 1/1024% of American Indian ancestry which she - allegedly - used to get into Harvard Law School - while a lot of Americans are 1% or so of the American Indian descent. 5% of American Indian DNA is required to claim to be a member of any American Indian Tribe.
         That whole widely publicized episode made her a laughing stock of huge proportions which put her future presidential aspirations not only - way - on the "back burner" - but most likely - her presidential ambitions "bit the dust" for good. Her record of the legislature she introduced or authored while the Senator from Massachusetts is not very impressive. 
        This particular clip shows how she shamelessly denies the knowledge of her questionable fund raising efforts for which the Senate Ethics Committee currently investigates a complaint against her - which was lodged during the recent Judge Kavanaugh nomination spectacle.                
        Her opponent to her U.S. Senate Massachusetts seat - Mr. Geoff Diehl - a good looking and sharp contender to the Massachusetts senate seat (A vice chairman of the Republican party of Massachusetts) - brought up that complaint during the recent televised debate.  Ms.Warren responded in a retarded manner upon the questioning by the debate moderators which is amazing since on many occasions she acts in an unscrupulously audacious fashion when questioned about her extreme Left future political agenda for the U.S. in front of numerous television cameras. Her presidential aspirations only recently "took a nose dive".
        She and her colleagues - the hard Left U.S. Senate Democrats tried to "hang" a distinguished Washington D.C. Appellate  Circuit Court Judge - Mr. Brett Kavanaugh during the widely televised hearings when Christine Blasey Ford accused him of an attempted rape in a phony appearing testimony which contained a lot of important discrepancies/lies - on Sept. 29 - 2018 - with all that "circus" quickly followed by a most disturbing display of a bunch of wild Democratic Leftists extremists opposing Judge Kavanaugh nomination to a U.S. Supreme Court; according to a television political commentator - "they behaved in a crazy mob fashion when they wailed and howled like a horde of wildly insane mental patients as they pounded on the massive doors of the U.S. Supreme Court's building". Thus most Americans had an honest look at the true nature of the U.S. Extremists - the Leftists/Socialist' dominated - Democrats - so the American Electorate will express their view on them during the next Midterm 2018 - elections coming up very soon.
       In any event - all of us will have a great first week of November 2018 while the leaves change colors as they fall softly to the ground in my hilly area; the smell of the falling leaves and the lovely autumn - fills in the air. Thanks for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721 - we shall meet again - next week - same channel!

         Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Our Choice of YouTube Vid of the Wk - Fri. Oct. 26 - 18 through Fri. Nov. 02 - 2018!

              For the last week of Oct. 2018 - as our YouTube Vid of the Week - we chose an exciting clip published on Oct. 24 - 2018 - by Fox News Business channel - titled "Democrat's Caravan Problem Just Got Worse" - narrated by Stuart Varney who sports a rather unique foreign accent - a cross between a British accent and an Australian one.
         Varney describes a huge "caravan" of seven thousand or so of various poor, uneducated but spirited to the max - folks -mainly from Guatemala - but they collect members from other South American countries as they march north towards the U.S. border. He comments that the big group appears well organized, well fed and well lead invasion trying to illegally - breach the U.S. borders. 
        The viewers' comments range from outrage to anger - all of them opposing the potential invaders - that's how almost all the Americans perceive those people. In a similar video posted a day earlier by Fox News Channel - Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick stated that the U.S. will not allow them in. He said that the illegals will be immediately sent back where they came from. He stated something like "The U.S. will not be feeding, medicating and supporting the illegals on the borders - while many of our own people need medical care, housing, support and help."
         Furthermore - tons of potential legal immigrants who wait patiently in line and "play by the rules" - are held back by those others - pushing their way by force - many of them - criminal elements, drug pushers, gang members, human traffickers and other undesirables - hiding among the vast numbers of the other people trying to "breach" the borders.
        At any rate - all of us will have a super good last week of Oct. 2018 which is cool, wintery, windy and promising the winter holidays - close at hand. 

                                Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Our Choice of YT Vid of the Wk for the Third Wk of Oct. 2018 - Truther Talk Uploaded an Interesting Discussion!

             For the third week of Oct. 2018 we chose an interesting video uploaded by a lovely, smart and keenly attuned to the current political events - African American young woman who goes by her YouTube name of Truther Talk. In her video/discussion titled "Ride the Red Tsunami" - Segment 9 - uploaded on Oct. 15 - 2018 - she presents some political theories re: the current political events taking place in the U.S.
      One of the very politically astute young participants postulates that if Pres. Trump looses his Presidential bid in 2020 and the Democrats nominate one of their Socialistically leaning candidates who will open the borders, legislate the ban on weapons and heavily legislate in favor of the illegals - the bloodshed is unavoidable.
     I - personally - and my associates - an older generation of Americans - naturalized or born in this country - have a lot more faith in our American Constitutional Republic with its safeguards - protecting this nation from the dreadful "mob rule" in any form. The Americans face dangers to their cherished Republic on a regular bases and they conquer the forces of evil. Maybe it's a Divine Providence - at work? Nobody knows for sure but this country has successfully conquered all kinds of dangerous trends. Nobody knows the future - but the history can be a reliable indicator of the future.
     At any rate - all of us will have a great new week of Oct. 2018. The colorful leaves are falling, the air smells crisp of the coming Thanksgiving and the winter holidays 2018 right around the corner. We will meet again next week - same channel - same place!
                     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

A Youtube Video of the Wk for Oct. 12 - 18 through Oct. 19 - 2018!

         For the coming up third week of Oct. 2018 - we chose an Ukrainian folk song - superbly performed by a famous Polish/Ukrainian operatic sensation - a fabulous baritone - a handsome opera singer Pavel Prokopieni. The video - sumptuously illustrated by the snapshots of life in the Imperial Russia  before the Red Communistic Revolution bitterly enslaved the Russian people for close to a hundred years. They were happy to unload "their" Socialism like a plague - in 1989 and they don't ever want it back.
      Dr. 240252 uploaded this video on Oct. 5 - 2018 and it's titled: "1932 - Russian Folk Song by Pavel Prokopieni - Uchar Kupiec." The title hero's name "Uchar Kupiec" roughly translates to "The Merchant called Uchar". As always the commentary by Dr.240252 is an interesting sketch of life of the operatic singer Pavel Prokopieni - plus the comments of the viewers under the video are also fun to read.
     In any event - all of us will have an excellent third week of October 2018 with us having the unusually warm week - here in our hilly, mountinous neighborhood close to New York. As every week we thank all of you for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721 and we shall meet again - next week - same place - same channel.

    Coyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Our Choice of the Vid of the Wk. - Fri. Oct. 05 - 18 till Fri. Oct. 12 - 2018 - "Beto O'Rourke or White Obama".

        For the second week of Oct. 2018 - as our favorite Youtube video of the week - we choose an interesting commentary/video by a young, African American woman whose videos/political commentaries have been quickly getting tons of new subscriptions called "subs" by us - the numerous Youtubers of various ages and political "persuasions". She goes by the YT name of Truther Talk - she looks pleasant to look at but not outstanding - however - the political comments which she writes skillfully and delivers smoothly in a nice voice - resonate a lot - with tons of various people of diverse backgrounds who like to think logically. 
        She uploaded an interesting clip on Oct. 03 - 2018 titled "Beto O'Rourke or White Obama." In a nutshell she points to the utmost superficiality of Texas political senatorial candidate - Beto O'Rourke who campaigns for the coming up Midterm elections of 2018. Beto O'Rourke - a minor Texas legislator suddenly gets tons of Liberal/Socialistic/Soros money from all over the country - as he's trying to unseat Senator Ted Cruz - a typical Texas politician who holds the traditional Texas values of right to own guns, believes in free enterprises - with less government interferance in our lives - while the uber Liberal American mainstream media - loves, loves, loves the Socialistic/Liberal - Beto O'Rourke who professes the opposite social values; the press makes him out to be another God in flesh/Liberator - like they do with the Kennedys Socialistic Political Dynasty which - unfortunately - continues. 
        Among a lot of on-target viewers' comments under her Truther Talk - under her Oct. 03 - 2018 video - one viewer summarizes the O'Rourke politican campaign - Midterms 2018 - by observing that O'Rourke eagerly wants to be another Kennedy "wannabe" since he sports Bobby Kennedy's hair style with enormous pride. O'Rourke just like Ted Kenndy -has a multiple drunk driving on his record - as well - evidently - as a "hommage" - to his Kennedy idol - a deceased Massachussetts Liberal/Socialistic Scion - Ted Kennedy who drank a lot and - according to many witnesses - abused women - left and right.
      The American press consistently idolizes liberals like O'Rourke, the Kennedys Dynasty and other Socialistic leaning politicos; the press never cools their Socialistic affection for those kinds of Leftist politicians - even after Ted Kennedy - inadvertandly or maybe on purpose - as was widely speculated - killed Mary Jo Kopechne - a beautiful young women who worked for him - by leaving her to suffocate in his car after it - crashed into the Chappaquiddick Lake - located close to Kennedy's royal residence - Hyannisport, Massachussets. 
        In spite of all that - he went on to become a long time Massachussetts Senator - a big Scion/Lion to all kinds of Socialistic leaning causes which hurt the U.S. a lot but - of course - his vast family millions remain intact and keep growing. Many attempts to shed the light on this incident were successfully "squashed" by the powerful Kennedys for a while - but the truth comes out since a lot of people are brave and refuse to be intimidated.
       All those ultra rich Socialists don't worry that their all powerful government/new God - they want - will ever bother them or their millions - even if the historical facts tell a different story. The super rich are frequently forcefully "divested" of their money and sent to labor camps of some sort.
      In any event - all of us will enjoy this lovely second week of Oct. 2018 when the autumn sheds her leaves from the trees - the colorful leaves fall softly to the ground while the smell of the coming holidays hangs in the air like good perfume in our pretty, hilly city. Thanks and a big hug to all - for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721. We will meet here next week - the same place - the same time - the same channel.

 Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019