Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Our Choice of YT Vid of the Wk for the Third Wk of Oct. 2018 - Truther Talk Uploaded an Interesting Discussion!

             For the third week of Oct. 2018 we chose an interesting video uploaded by a lovely, smart and keenly attuned to the current political events - African American young woman who goes by her YouTube name of Truther Talk. In her video/discussion titled "Ride the Red Tsunami" - Segment 9 - uploaded on Oct. 15 - 2018 - she presents some political theories re: the current political events taking place in the U.S.
      One of the very politically astute young participants postulates that if Pres. Trump looses his Presidential bid in 2020 and the Democrats nominate one of their Socialistically leaning candidates who will open the borders, legislate the ban on weapons and heavily legislate in favor of the illegals - the bloodshed is unavoidable.
     I - personally - and my associates - an older generation of Americans - naturalized or born in this country - have a lot more faith in our American Constitutional Republic with its safeguards - protecting this nation from the dreadful "mob rule" in any form. The Americans face dangers to their cherished Republic on a regular bases and they conquer the forces of evil. Maybe it's a Divine Providence - at work? Nobody knows for sure but this country has successfully conquered all kinds of dangerous trends. Nobody knows the future - but the history can be a reliable indicator of the future.
     At any rate - all of us will have a great new week of Oct. 2018. The colorful leaves are falling, the air smells crisp of the coming Thanksgiving and the winter holidays 2018 right around the corner. We will meet again next week - same channel - same place!
                     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025

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