Wednesday, October 10, 2018

A Youtube Video of the Wk for Oct. 12 - 18 through Oct. 19 - 2018!

         For the coming up third week of Oct. 2018 - we chose an Ukrainian folk song - superbly performed by a famous Polish/Ukrainian operatic sensation - a fabulous baritone - a handsome opera singer Pavel Prokopieni. The video - sumptuously illustrated by the snapshots of life in the Imperial Russia  before the Red Communistic Revolution bitterly enslaved the Russian people for close to a hundred years. They were happy to unload "their" Socialism like a plague - in 1989 and they don't ever want it back.
      Dr. 240252 uploaded this video on Oct. 5 - 2018 and it's titled: "1932 - Russian Folk Song by Pavel Prokopieni - Uchar Kupiec." The title hero's name "Uchar Kupiec" roughly translates to "The Merchant called Uchar". As always the commentary by Dr.240252 is an interesting sketch of life of the operatic singer Pavel Prokopieni - plus the comments of the viewers under the video are also fun to read.
     In any event - all of us will have an excellent third week of October 2018 with us having the unusually warm week - here in our hilly, mountinous neighborhood close to New York. As every week we thank all of you for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721 and we shall meet again - next week - same place - same channel.

    Coyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018

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