Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Our Choice of YouTube Vid of the Wk - Fri. Oct. 26 - 18 through Fri. Nov. 02 - 2018!

              For the last week of Oct. 2018 - as our YouTube Vid of the Week - we chose an exciting clip published on Oct. 24 - 2018 - by Fox News Business channel - titled "Democrat's Caravan Problem Just Got Worse" - narrated by Stuart Varney who sports a rather unique foreign accent - a cross between a British accent and an Australian one.
         Varney describes a huge "caravan" of seven thousand or so of various poor, uneducated but spirited to the max - folks -mainly from Guatemala - but they collect members from other South American countries as they march north towards the U.S. border. He comments that the big group appears well organized, well fed and well lead invasion trying to illegally - breach the U.S. borders. 
        The viewers' comments range from outrage to anger - all of them opposing the potential invaders - that's how almost all the Americans perceive those people. In a similar video posted a day earlier by Fox News Channel - Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick stated that the U.S. will not allow them in. He said that the illegals will be immediately sent back where they came from. He stated something like "The U.S. will not be feeding, medicating and supporting the illegals on the borders - while many of our own people need medical care, housing, support and help."
         Furthermore - tons of potential legal immigrants who wait patiently in line and "play by the rules" - are held back by those others - pushing their way by force - many of them - criminal elements, drug pushers, gang members, human traffickers and other undesirables - hiding among the vast numbers of the other people trying to "breach" the borders.
        At any rate - all of us will have a super good last week of Oct. 2018 which is cool, wintery, windy and promising the winter holidays - close at hand. 

                                Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025

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