Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Our Choice of the Vid of the Wk. - Fri. Oct. 05 - 18 till Fri. Oct. 12 - 2018 - "Beto O'Rourke or White Obama".

        For the second week of Oct. 2018 - as our favorite Youtube video of the week - we choose an interesting commentary/video by a young, African American woman whose videos/political commentaries have been quickly getting tons of new subscriptions called "subs" by us - the numerous Youtubers of various ages and political "persuasions". She goes by the YT name of Truther Talk - she looks pleasant to look at but not outstanding - however - the political comments which she writes skillfully and delivers smoothly in a nice voice - resonate a lot - with tons of various people of diverse backgrounds who like to think logically. 
        She uploaded an interesting clip on Oct. 03 - 2018 titled "Beto O'Rourke or White Obama." In a nutshell she points to the utmost superficiality of Texas political senatorial candidate - Beto O'Rourke who campaigns for the coming up Midterm elections of 2018. Beto O'Rourke - a minor Texas legislator suddenly gets tons of Liberal/Socialistic/Soros money from all over the country - as he's trying to unseat Senator Ted Cruz - a typical Texas politician who holds the traditional Texas values of right to own guns, believes in free enterprises - with less government interferance in our lives - while the uber Liberal American mainstream media - loves, loves, loves the Socialistic/Liberal - Beto O'Rourke who professes the opposite social values; the press makes him out to be another God in flesh/Liberator - like they do with the Kennedys Socialistic Political Dynasty which - unfortunately - continues. 
        Among a lot of on-target viewers' comments under her Truther Talk - under her Oct. 03 - 2018 video - one viewer summarizes the O'Rourke politican campaign - Midterms 2018 - by observing that O'Rourke eagerly wants to be another Kennedy "wannabe" since he sports Bobby Kennedy's hair style with enormous pride. O'Rourke just like Ted Kenndy -has a multiple drunk driving on his record - as well - evidently - as a "hommage" - to his Kennedy idol - a deceased Massachussetts Liberal/Socialistic Scion - Ted Kennedy who drank a lot and - according to many witnesses - abused women - left and right.
      The American press consistently idolizes liberals like O'Rourke, the Kennedys Dynasty and other Socialistic leaning politicos; the press never cools their Socialistic affection for those kinds of Leftist politicians - even after Ted Kennedy - inadvertandly or maybe on purpose - as was widely speculated - killed Mary Jo Kopechne - a beautiful young women who worked for him - by leaving her to suffocate in his car after it - crashed into the Chappaquiddick Lake - located close to Kennedy's royal residence - Hyannisport, Massachussets. 
        In spite of all that - he went on to become a long time Massachussetts Senator - a big Scion/Lion to all kinds of Socialistic leaning causes which hurt the U.S. a lot but - of course - his vast family millions remain intact and keep growing. Many attempts to shed the light on this incident were successfully "squashed" by the powerful Kennedys for a while - but the truth comes out since a lot of people are brave and refuse to be intimidated.
       All those ultra rich Socialists don't worry that their all powerful government/new God - they want - will ever bother them or their millions - even if the historical facts tell a different story. The super rich are frequently forcefully "divested" of their money and sent to labor camps of some sort.
      In any event - all of us will enjoy this lovely second week of Oct. 2018 when the autumn sheds her leaves from the trees - the colorful leaves fall softly to the ground while the smell of the coming holidays hangs in the air like good perfume in our pretty, hilly city. Thanks and a big hug to all - for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721. We will meet here next week - the same place - the same time - the same channel.

 Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019

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