Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - a Bit Early for this Labor Day 2023 Weekend - from Fri. Sept. 08 - 2023 through Fri. Sept. 15 - 2023!

             For this beautiful - almost Labor Day 2023 Weekend - we shall continue to comment on the local talk radio hosts - "mini local celebrities" - which are doing the talk radio shifts for the local talk radio station. The disclaimer is in place - as every week - "Any similarity to real people or circumstances - purely coincidental".

         Last week we mentioned a couple of talk radio hosts' - "misadventures" in a local talk radio land. This week - we shall comment a bit on one of the gentlemen who has been around the local media for quite a while. In addition to entertaining the shifts for the local talk radio station - he also appears on the local TV programs - doing the short city features - so he is well known/recognized - in this area. A local "mini celebrity of sorts".

        I can't say that he especially "rubbed me the wrong way" until he started to propagate for Socialism during his radio shifts - which turned me off - needless to say. Moreover - he maintains erroneously that the Scandinavian countries are Socialist regimes - which they are not. To wit - their representatives hate to be called Socialist countries. All their top representatives always maintain that they are simply capitalist economies with extra-large safety nets.

       A month or so - ago - the aforementioned radio host - wore a totally pukey looking, bright blue outfit when he was doing his local TV "short". The neighbors wondered if it was to commemorate in some manner - the Pride Week or what? Some suggested that maybe that bright blue color was to give "homage" to the U.S. Blue states which are - close to the Socialist economies.

       Not to get sidetracked or anything like that - but our colleagues at another successful talk radio market - relate to us - that their Leftist radio host - leaning towards the anti-Israel, anti-American Jews and anti-Jews - in general political positions - also - donned "eccentric" looking attire - recently - during his on-air, short presentation; in addition to his "costume" - he also attracted a lot of unfavorable attention - by attacking the Jewish religion, Israel and Jews - in general - without giving anybody a fair chance to present their respective positions.

       At any rate - everybody will have a super good, long Labor 2023 Weekend and we meet here - about a week from today! 

      Copyright @L.S. Hadley and Associates 2023

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 01 - 2023 through Fri. Sept. 08 - 2023!

               For this lovely, first week of the beginning of the school year - as every September - the kids of all ages - will be - refreshingly - out of all the public places. Anyway - this time we shall comment - again - on some things going on at our talk radio station with the customary disclaimer - of course - that "any similarity to real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental".

         A few months ago, the station - suddenly fired a radio host who has been with them close to 14 years (evidently quite a few listeners must have liked his "style"). Our group of neighbors mostly disliked his "microphone" style for a lot of reasons - the main one being that he - customarily - went on - way too long on any subject - especially - his family members were talked about - on the air - a lot more than anybody would be interested to hear - secondly -he stuck to the topic like a proverbial "chewing gum to the shoe sole" - way too long.

      Still - the way they fired him was amazing - his name was quickly taken off the schedule; then after a few weeks - a short notice on their website stated something short - in response to many listeners asking about him; the station informed the listeners in a short statement to the effect that "whenever the station fires anybody - it's to save funds." They would never do it like this - had he been a minority or gay.

       Speaking of which - another radio host was given a "royal to the max" - send off - with a proverbial "red carpet and orchestra" treatment - with all the station bosses doing the lengthy "tributes to their vast accomplishments while working for the station". It needs to be emphasized - however - that they were only with the station - for two short years - with no outstanding accomplishments of record - of any sort.

       In any event - everybody will have a super good new week, and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

      Copyright@ L. Hadley and the Associates 2024



Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week from Fri. Aug. 25 - 2023 through Fri. Sept. 01 - 2023!

         For the last week of August 2023 which is always nice since it indicates that the new Fall is near - we will continue to for a bit with some callers/listeners to our talk radio station. Again - our disclaimer stands firm - "any similarity to real people or circumstances - purely - coincidental". 

      The talk radio station in our town has quite a few listeners - some of whom - call the station regularly - thus - they become "mini celebrities of sort" - in their own right. At times they talk about each other's comments to certain radio hosts - which can be funny.

      Today - however - we shall continue with two callers who "spit political sludge" against the listeners who disagree with their political positions - some of which - are extreme. The woman that we mentioned before - currently - tactfully - refrains from constantly calling the radio hosts. It's good to take a break from her always annoying - but frequently - obnoxious - political radio "lectures" as if she won several Nobel prizes or equivalent.

      The relatively new - gentleman caller - with an awful, hoarse - sounding voice - continues - too frequently - with his "avalanche of hostility" - in the shape of - way too long - political lectures - directed against the listeners who disagrees with his extreme Leftist political positions. Some Leftist radio hosts - however - use him to "hose political venom" - instead of them.

     At any rate - everybody will have a good, new week and we shall meet here a week from today - as every week!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Thursday, August 10, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 18 - 2023 through Fri. Aug. 25 - 2023!

            For this rainy and cool but beautiful week of August 2023 - we shall continue with the radio talk shows' - the callers and the hosts. Again - as every week - the disclaimer is in place - "Any similarity to real people - purely coincidental".          

      As we mentioned before - some callers are obsessed with calling certain radio hosts - but they call the other ones as well - at the aforementioned big talk radio station which we are not naming. The listeners - in the meantime - get very familiar with the steady callers and their political agendas.

          There is a certain woman caller - constantly calling the station's - talk radio hosts - wanting to share her "three cents worth" of her political theories - with a big radio audience. Her political agenda changes - however. Recently - she was totally fixated on comparing the state of Israel to Nazi dictatorship by quoting some obscure anti-Semitic, anti-Israel - books and articles - no doubt - written to support hers and other anti-Semitic, crazy conspiracy theories of many sorts. She was obsessed with maligning the state of Israel - for quite a while - which subsided a bit - in recent weeks. Many people pointed out to her that her anti-Semitic "activity"/fixation - is as obvious as a proverbial "nose on her face."

      Lately - though - she has been vigorously propagating for her big political goal of - not re-electing Pres. Biden for the U.S. presidency in 2024. Needless to say - her intense calls get on many listeners - nerves - galore - not necessarily - just the Jews who might not be thrilled to listen to her "spewing her anti-Semitic, conspiracy theories." It needs to be noted - however - that she also - frequently "works the nerves" of other talk radio hosts as well as the nerves of many listeners who frequently state so - when they talk to the radio hosts. Nothing seems to discourage her - though. She is deeply dedicated.

        Recently - a relatively new gentleman caller - "arrived onto the scene" of talk radio. He "spews" another sort of hostility to the vast radio audiences. He loudly proclaims his strong hatred of ex-president Trump - which also gets on the nerves on many listeners - as well as on the nerves of many talk radio hosts. Many listeners who call the talk radio - inform the hosts about it.         

       It's not that they are necessarily - "Trumpers" or anything like that - but the aforementioned caller's abrasive voice and long, long lectures - will "work" - anybody's nerves. Many of the listeners - confirm that - when they talk to the radio hosts about various subjects - but mostly about politics which had always been divided but the divisions came to the surface with the massive use of social media platforms - in the recent years.

      In any event - everybody will have a very good week and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 11 - 2023 through Fri. Aug. 18 - 2023!

             For this cooler, more pleasant week of Summer in August 2023 - we shall continue a bit with some radio talk shows hosts. As we mentioned last week - each one of them appeals to a different "block" of listeners who get familiar with their voice - their "vocal mannerisms", "various vocal spiels", "vocal tricks" and so for. Their personalities' traits as well as their political attitudes - become familiar to the listeners who listen to them and their - on air, on radio - "gab". As every week - we insert the disclaimer that "any similarity to real people - purely - coincidental".

      The aforementioned - radio talk shows - hosts' - political views become obvious - and if the chunk of the audience agrees with their views - their voice sounds bearable to them - even if it's somewhat abrasive in nature. On the other hand - if the radio talk show host attacks certain groups of population - their voice sounds to the "offended" parties" like "fingernails scratching a long blackboard - non-stop". 

      Unfortunately - during the last few years - the anti-Semitic - anti-Israel political propagandists - have been spewing their warped, one sided "political views" with more open acceptance than before. Fortunately - the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel waves of propaganda - come and go - in the U.S. and abroad just like various political propagandists - do.

      In any event - the political propaganda's - "flavor of the day" - filters down to the talk radio - its talk radio hosts - and other mass media platforms - thus it's crucial that many sides of the political arguments have an unhampered access to all the platforms.

     At any rate - everybody will have a good, new week and - of course - we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023