Thursday, August 3, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 11 - 2023 through Fri. Aug. 18 - 2023!

             For this cooler, more pleasant week of Summer in August 2023 - we shall continue a bit with some radio talk shows hosts. As we mentioned last week - each one of them appeals to a different "block" of listeners who get familiar with their voice - their "vocal mannerisms", "various vocal spiels", "vocal tricks" and so for. Their personalities' traits as well as their political attitudes - become familiar to the listeners who listen to them and their - on air, on radio - "gab". As every week - we insert the disclaimer that "any similarity to real people - purely - coincidental".

      The aforementioned - radio talk shows - hosts' - political views become obvious - and if the chunk of the audience agrees with their views - their voice sounds bearable to them - even if it's somewhat abrasive in nature. On the other hand - if the radio talk show host attacks certain groups of population - their voice sounds to the "offended" parties" like "fingernails scratching a long blackboard - non-stop". 

      Unfortunately - during the last few years - the anti-Semitic - anti-Israel political propagandists - have been spewing their warped, one sided "political views" with more open acceptance than before. Fortunately - the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel waves of propaganda - come and go - in the U.S. and abroad just like various political propagandists - do.

      In any event - the political propaganda's - "flavor of the day" - filters down to the talk radio - its talk radio hosts - and other mass media platforms - thus it's crucial that many sides of the political arguments have an unhampered access to all the platforms.

     At any rate - everybody will have a good, new week and - of course - we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023


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