Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week from Fri. Aug. 25 - 2023 through Fri. Sept. 01 - 2023!

         For the last week of August 2023 which is always nice since it indicates that the new Fall is near - we will continue to for a bit with some callers/listeners to our talk radio station. Again - our disclaimer stands firm - "any similarity to real people or circumstances - purely - coincidental". 

      The talk radio station in our town has quite a few listeners - some of whom - call the station regularly - thus - they become "mini celebrities of sort" - in their own right. At times they talk about each other's comments to certain radio hosts - which can be funny.

      Today - however - we shall continue with two callers who "spit political sludge" against the listeners who disagree with their political positions - some of which - are extreme. The woman that we mentioned before - currently - tactfully - refrains from constantly calling the radio hosts. It's good to take a break from her always annoying - but frequently - obnoxious - political radio "lectures" as if she won several Nobel prizes or equivalent.

      The relatively new - gentleman caller - with an awful, hoarse - sounding voice - continues - too frequently - with his "avalanche of hostility" - in the shape of - way too long - political lectures - directed against the listeners who disagrees with his extreme Leftist political positions. Some Leftist radio hosts - however - use him to "hose political venom" - instead of them.

     At any rate - everybody will have a good, new week and we shall meet here a week from today - as every week!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


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